Ambassadorial Scholar

Rtn Colin Bryant is host counsellor for Ambassadorial Scholar Scott Kofmehl from Pittsburgh. Scott has spoken at the club and attended District Conference. He will be in the USA over the Xmas period but hopes to be able to join us at other times in the year.

Scott Kofmel is from the USA and is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pittsburgh, D.7300 He is studying International Relations at LSE. He can be contacted at:

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Rotary Foundation

back The Rotary Foundation is Rotary's own foundation that helps fund projects all over the world.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Albania - Home of Hope Children

We are proud of our efforts in helping people all over the world. In recent years we have completed projects in Ecuador, USA, Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Albania and Bulgaria.

Team Tower Hamlets 2019

Members and Friends on Duty


Should you wish to make a donation click here

St Josephs Hospice

Supporting- The Whitechapel Mission, The Salvation Army, The Zacchaeus Project, The Bow Food Bank, The George Green School, St Josephs Hospice,

To the winner the spoils !!!!

May 10th 2020 - Book your boat NOW !!!!!


When Club members visit other clubs around the world and exchange banners

Norman McCarvell - Rotary Club of Nelson BC Canada

When we have Rotary Members visiting us from around the world we mark the occasion with an exchange of Club banners


The Rotary Foundation is Rotary's own foundation that helps fund projects all over the world.

Rotary Remembers at Hackney Town Hall - 2018

President Jagmohan and Tower Hamlets remembers at Hackney Town Hall 2018


Focused on helping our community

Water Station Duties

If you would like to Volunteer for any of our projects or events, contact us.
