The Jubilee of Rotarians - Rome 2016

Fausta and Livia represented our Club at the Jubilee of Rotarians

The event attracted over 8,000 Rotarians coming from many countries. Although the main attendees were Italians (mostly coming from District 2080, Lazio and Sardinia), the event attracted many German, French, Spanish, Romenian, Slovakian, Austrian, Swiss, Japanese and various Asian Rotarians. 

Sadly, to my knowledge, there were just 3 attendees from our District: me, Livia and a former member of our club.
I would say the main events of this fantastic Jubilee can be considered the dinner, the mass and the benediction in St. Peter's square by his Holiness Pope Francis and finally a concert in the Basilica of St. Maria degli Angeli. 

Luckily for me and Livia, we registered very early and we had dinner with RI President K.R. Ravindran in Palazzo Aldobrandini close to Piazza Navona. There were 600 Rotarians at Palazzo Aldobrandini. Given the high number of attendees many other Rotarians (approx  1200) did not have the very same opportunity and were offered a dinner with other senior RI members in other locations of Rome. Sadly, Livia and myself were accomodated in different rooms. Imagine my emotion when I realised I was having dinner with Mr. Ravindran ! I approached him, introduced myself and asked him if I could take a picture of him. His reply was : " Don't ask, simply take it!". I took lots of pictures of him and his wife and attach herewith the most relevant ones. Sadly the most significant (at least for me) picture in which I shake the president's hand was not a quality A picture and I have not attached it, nonetheless I will keep it. During the dinner I was told that Mr. Perrore, District Governor 2080 delivered to Pope Francis a cheque made payable to Pope Francis himself and not to Ior (Vatican bank), as it usually occurs. The amount of the donation was not disclosed.
On the following day we had the opportunity to attend the mass in St. Peter's square. In my view I have managed to take a very significant picture. Governor Perrone (District 2080-Lazio and Sardinia) and RI President Tavi Ravindran shake his Holiness Pope Francis' hand, who thanked Rotarians for their efforts to end polio. It's a pity that on this occasion Livia and myself got lost and only managed to meet ourselves at the very end of the mass.

The final day of this long but significant marathon was at the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, which is indeed the oldest Basilica in Rome, built on the ruins of a Roman temple built by emperor Diocletian. I took 2 more pictures and then my mobile stopped working! In the first one we can see Presindent Ravindran arriving at the Basilica and then inducting singer and songwriter Sarah Jane Morris following her performance " "We will bring you love" with minicoro Monterosso. Mrs. Morris recorded this song to benefit End Polio Now.

Clearly the cherry on the cake was Livia and me pictured to the sides of the Jubilee of the Rotarians' official banner.

It has been a fantastic experience and if asked I would repeat it again hundreds of times.


Please click here for the Jubilee event report on

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