2024-25 Pinner Rotary Club Activities
3rd: Speaker Meeting - Rtn Andrew Worley gave a talk about ShelterBox.
7th: Pinner Rotary Village Show - our flagship community event and fundraiser.
17th: NW London Rotary Clubs Social Evening. Hosted by Harrow Rotary Club.
6th: Speaker Meeting - Melinda gave feedback from the RI Convention in Singapore.
10th: Summer Garden Party. 39 members and guests gathered in John & Melinda's garden, bringing food from around the world for an enjoyable feast.
20th: Speaker Meeting - Tamu Thomas gave a lively talk on the subject "Women Who Work Too Much", the title of her debut book. We also inducted a new member, Abhineet Kesarwani.
2nd: President's Dinner - start of the new Rotary year.
16th: Speaker Meeting - Rtn Mike Hodge gave a talk on The Rotary Foundation, Rotary International's own charity.
23rd: Social Evening - a guided walk round the City of London looking at architecture and hidden gardens. Led by Blue Badge Guide, Sue King, and followed by a meal at The Counting House pub.
30th: Social Evening - wine tasting led by Tony, held in Cathy's garden.