2022 / 2023 Club News

News and events from the 2022 / 2023 Rotary year

2022-23 Pinner Rotary Club Activities


6th: Speaker Meeting - Former Mayor and Mayoress of Harrow, Cllr Janet Mote and Rtn Anne Moore, reviewed their year in office and illustrated the many and diverse events they attended.

27th: Social Evening - dinner at Chin Chin restaurant in Pinner.


9th: Speaker Meeting - Pierre du Bois from the Paul Strickland Scanner Centre.

13th: Charity Quiz Night 

16th: Annual General Meeting


4th: Speaker Meeting - Joanna Bogle, biographer of Sue Ryder, came to tell us about the life of this remarkable woman.

18th: Speaker Meeting - David Simmonds CBE, MP for Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner updated us on current issues. We also inducted a new Rotarian, Michael Morris.

23rd: St George's Day Celebration, our annual community event in Pinner High Street featuring the Wheelbarrow Race.


21st: Speaker Meeting - Carrie Herbert MBE came to talk to us about the Red Balloon Educational Trust. Red Balloon provide care and support for bullied and vulnerable children and helps them get back on an academic track and reconnect with society.


7th: Speaker Meeting - Sean White, Proprietor of the Queen's Head in Pinner gave an enlightening talk about life as a pub landlord and his ethical approach to staff employment.

21st: Speaker Meeting - Mark Lee gave a talk entitled 'Hocus Pocus to Financial Focus'. Mark is a chartered accountant and a member of the Magic Circle, he explained how his career path evolved and demonstrated some of his magic tricks.


19th: Young Chef - unfortunately some schools had to pull out at the last minute due to exams and other commitments but we went ahead with those that could attend.

24th: Burns Night at Pinner Hill Golf Club. Cllr Norman Stevenson addressed the haggis with great enthusiasm.


6th: Speaker Meeting – Jane Walker MBE, Founder and CEO of Purple Community Fund gave an inspirational talk about her work in the Philippines. We also inducted new member, Melinda Whitehead.

10th: Christmas Collection at Morrison's, Hatch End. 

14th - 22nd: Santa's Sleigh, our annual tour of the streets of Pinner bringing Christmas cheer and raising funds for charity.

20th: Christmas Dinner at Pinner Hill Golf Club with speaker Rev Emma Webber from Pinner Parish Church.


1st: Speaker Meeting – District Governor Marius Hopley gave us an inspirational talk about his aims for the year.

8th: Fireworks Party at Cathy's house. 

22nd: Tour of Harrow Mayor's Parlour.


18th: Speaker Meeting – Harrow Young Carers, one of the President's charities for the year. Charmain Boyd gave us an update on the crucial work of this charity.

25th: Private visit to the Heath Robinson Museum with a guided tour.


10th: Pinner Rotary Village Show

20th: Speaker Meeting – Rotarian Richard Paler gave a very interesting job talk on his varied career as a mechanical engineer.

22nd: Tour of Syon House.

26th: Plasticblitz initiative – Anne led a team of volunteers collecting litter from Yeading Brook.

27th: London Guided Walk with Blue Badge Guide, Sue King. We were taken on a tour of the Green Park area learning about  "Kings, Queens, Clubs and Courtesans". Very topical!


2nd: Speaker Meeting – Our own back-packing Rotarian, Jan, gave an illustrated talk on his travels to the "Roof of the World" in northern Pakistan.

16th: Speaker Meeting - President Tony gave a colourful presentation on the "FĂȘtes de Gayant" in Douai, Harrow's twin town in France. He had accompanied the Mayor and Mayoress of Harrow on their recent visit.

20th: Pinner Rotary Summer Party.

23rd: Wine tasting evening


19th: Speaker Meeting – Judy Karbitz gave a talk entitled "Inside the Victorian Larder"

26th : We enjoyed a treasure hunt around the centre of Northwood, following clues to discover interesting signs and architectural features. 

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