Fundraising and Donations

Helping communities: local, national and international

Charities we have supported in recent years

Each year our President chooses the main charity or charities we will support during the year. We also make donations to numerous other good causes and emergency relief funds, wherever we can make a difference.

We raise funds through our community events, supermarket collections, social events and individual donations.

2023 – 2024

A total of £25,420 was donated during the year, including to our President’s charities Mind In Harrow who received £3,500 and Purple Community Fund who received £3,145.

Other charities supported with donations include:

  • Centre for ADHD & Autism support
  • Firm Foundation
  • Prostate Cancer UK
  • Rotary Ambulances for Ukraine Appeal
  • Rotary Foundation UK - End Polio
  • Salvation Army
  • St Luke’s Hospice
  • Shelterbox Trust
  • Trees for Cities
  • WISH Centre
  • Arts for Life
  • Harrow Carers
  • Harrow Samaritans
  • Mayor of Harrow 2023/24 Special Appeal
  • Paul Strickland Scanner Centre
  • Friends of Pinner Wood School
  • Molly Rose Foundation

2022 – 2023

This year our President's charities were Harrow Young Carers and the Northwick Park Renal Dialysis Unit.

During the year a total of £21,300 was donated to registered charities and of this £3,800 was donated to each of Harrow Carers and Imperial Healthcare Charity to support Northwick Park Hospital Renal Dialysis unit.

Other charities supported with donations include:

  • Arts for Life
  • Centre for ADHD and Autism Support
  • Harrow Association of Disabled People
  • International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals (UK)
  • Paul Strickland Scanner Centre
  • Purple Community Fund
  • Red Balloon Learner Centre NW London
  • Rotary Foundation of the United Kingdom - End Polio
  • St Luke’s Hospice
  • St Mungo’s
  • Shelterbox Trust

2021 – 2022

Our main charity for 2021/22 was Harrow Samaritans.

During the year £21,300 was donated to registered charities including £3,750 to our President’s charity, Harrow Samaritans.

Other charities supported with donations included:

  • Arts for Life Project
  • Barnardo’s for Harrow Horizons
  • Centre for ADHD and Autism Support
  • Forest School Harrow
  • Harrow Association of Disabled People
  • Harrow Young Musicians
  • International Rotary Fellowship of Healthcare Professionals (UK)
  • Paul Strickland Scanner Centre 
  • Purple Community Fund 
  • Red Cross Ukraine appeal 
  • Rotary Foundation of United Kingdom - End Polio 
  • St Luke’s Hospice 
  • Shelterbox Trust 
  • UN World Food programme Afghanistan appeal

Fundraising and Donations sub-pages:

Quiz flyer

Charity Quiz Night

more Our annual fundraising quiz took place on Saturday 23 March 2024

Charity Quiz Night

more A very successful fund raising quiz held on 13 May 2023

Pinner Rotary Fundraising Quiz

more at St Luke's Church Hall, Saturday May 7th 2022

Collecting outside Morrisons at Hatch End

End Polio Now collection

more Held at Morrisons, Hatch End on 28th and 29th May 2021 (1 page below this)

Greg, Jo and 3 budding photographers who hosted our visit

Pinner Wood School

more Pinner Rotary made a donation towards the school's new media centre

Pinner Rotary supporting Purple Community Fund

Fundraising Quiz on Zoom

more This was a fun and challenging evening in support of good causes which raised £1360. Thank you to all those who took part.