Contact Clubs Overseas

We maintain close contact with Clubs from France and Germany

Hounslow and Rotary members in Rotenburg in 2016

Contact Clubs in Germany and France

Hounslow Rotary Club has for many years enjoyed close contact with Rotary Clubs in Germany and France.

The association with the Rotary Club of Montauban, France was formed in 1959 and since then, regular visits have taken place between the two clubs, with visitors from France coming to Hounslow and members of the Hounslow Club visiting Montauban every two years.

Our association with our friends from Germany, the Rotary Club of Rotenburg started in 1972 and again, alternate visits are arranged every two years. We will be hosting our Rotary friends from Germany in June 2018, having paid a special visit to them in 2017 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their charter.

The contact and the visits provide members of the Clubs with the opportunity to learn of the cultures and attitudes that exist in other countries, and great fellowship and friendships have developed over the many years of our associations

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Hounslow and Rotary members in Rotenburg in 2016

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