Rotary KidsOut Day 2023 & 2024

Edinburgh Rotary KidsOut Day 20th June 2023. Planning has started for next KidsOut Day on 18th June 2024.

The Rotary Club of Edinburgh organised its first KidsOut Day since 2019 on Tuesday 20th June 2023. In the past the traditional date for KidsOut Day has been the second Wednesday in June but, in Edinburgh, this has conflicted with the long-standing Black Taxi Day Out for the same group of disadvantaged kids run on the previous day.

This year too, we were at a new venue - Conifox Adventure Park.  They did us proud by allowing us sole use of their wonderful facilities and for the very positive support the staff gave us throughout the day, especially as they are normally closed on a Tuesday.

In all, more than 90 Kids supported by 70 carers and teachers enjoyed a variety of activities: some noisy, some quiet, some physical, some restful.  Then lunch and a Disco before returning to their schools in the early afternoon,

Without the support of 70 volunteers from the members of the Edinburgh Club and those of the Rotary Clubs of Braids, Leith, North Berwick, Rotary Global Scholars, members of the Bass Rock Community Group and Senior Pupils from St George’s School, the day would not have been the success which we believe it was.  The clearly genuine words of thanks we got from the carers and teachers as they left made it all worthwhile.  

As ever, our carefully crafted plans went somewhat awry on the day.  The volunteers go home exhausted, made worthwhile by the memories of the smiles on the kids’ faces.  


'What We Do' Main Pages:

Next visit to Saughton Park - 27th July


The Rotary Club of Edinburgh Constitution can be accessed here.


Thanamalvila, Sri Lanka Project


Our latest Fundraising Event was at The Scotsman Picture House


Tree Planting by Club Members and Friends at Silverknowes Boulevard.

Tending a Planter

Maintaining Station Platform Planters


An Autumn 2022 update on the activities of the Contact Clubs can be found by clicking on the button below.

The Team

Planting Purple Crocuses on the bank above the Silverknowes Boardwalk Cafe in mid-November 2018.


Club supports Edinburgh Direct Aid's work in disaster hit Beirut. October 8th Report from Maggie Tookey


Raising funds to send pupils to RYLA Camps


The Club has been supporting the David School in Sierra Leone through visits and funding for several years. The latest Messenger can be downloaded below.


Club Visit in February 2020


Purple Crocuses in Figgate Park, Edinburgh


Rotary Club of Edinburgh KidsOut Day 2024 was held on 18th June.


Edinburgh Rotary KidsOut Day 20th June 2023. Planning has started for next KidsOut Day on 18th June 2024.


Our International Projects


Local 'Club Round' Winners


Clubs supply Kindle Tablets to aid dementia sufferers

Prsident Stuart and Grand-daughter

Silverknowes Beach June 2019

Tree Planters

We've been out and about during April 2022


Rotary Club of Edinburgh Bulletins


Sports Clubs


Arts and Book Groups


The Jubilee Charity Fund
