President's Quaich

Thu, Mar 21st 2013 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Founder President Ken Candlish and his wife Isobel sprang a very pleasant surprise on the Club when they presented it with a President's Quaich, for retention by each President henceforth during his/her year of office.

Presentation of the President's Quaich

The Rotary Club of Duns had a most unusual session on Thursday 21 March when not only members but most of their wives also attended the weekly meal at the White Swan in Duns. Founding President Ken Candlish was the instigator of this happy occasion. It was 38 years ago, in March 1975, that Ken took the chair to preside over the newly established Rotary Club of Duns. Since then many presidents have followed him at the top table, continuing the service that he started. Many members have come and gone, but three members, Jack Cameron, David Cochrane and Grant Stephen, who were present this week were also at that meeting in 1975 when Ken first took the chair.

Ken wanted to do something to recognise the contribution made by Rotary Presidents over the years that would continue into the future. He and his wife Isobel came up with the idea of a President's Quaich to be presented to each president at the start of his year of office and remain with him until he passed it on to his successor at the end of his year. So, with suitable ceremony, Ken and Isobel presented the new President's Quaich to current president Bob Tait.

It is a most handsome quaich, made in burnished pewter and beautifully engraved. Ken chose pewter as the most traditional material for these very traditional Scottish drinking vessels. In time the quaich will mellow with use to become a very fine tradition itself in the Rotary Club of Duns. Sadly for President Bob and his wife Lorraine, they will only have three months to enjoy it before it passes to Bob's successor at the end of June.

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