This committee has overall responsibility for the smooth running of Club activities.
Club Meetings – Maintain club calendar and speaker schedule, liaise with Crockstead Farm Hotel, organise regular meetings in the club calendar (Handover, AGM, Club Assembly, EGM etc)
Club Events – Specific events (such as St George, Christmas Meal, hosting Friends of Rotary, etc). Visits to other clubs, social events for members and partners.
Recruitment & retention - Actively seek new members and follow up and host potential new members, consider how to ensure Rotary membership remains attractive to existing members (costs, meeting formats, time requirements etc).
Administration – The responsibilities of the Treasurer and Secretary fall within the committee’s remit. Also, applications for Christmas collection licence and grants for major projects. Maintain the Archive and the inventory.
International Links - Overseas visits, twinning arrangements with other clubs that may develop.
Publicity – Promoting Rotary and the Club in Uckfield, and working with organisers of club events to achieve this. Oversee updating of the club website.
Rotary Foundation – Implement the various ways in which the club can support Foundation, the world wide Rotary charity.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
This Committee reviews requests for funding from the public and registered charities, and makes recommendations to Club members. The Club policy is to focus on local good causes in preference to national and international ones.
moreMembers of Council.
moreThe Club has given funds to the following good causes in Uckfield and the surrounding area for the Rotary year ending on 30th June 2024
moreMembership enquiries page
moreDedicated to past members of Uckfield Rotary Club.