What is Rotary?

Sun, Jun 30th 2024 at 4:19 pm- Sat, Aug 31st 2024 - 6:19 pm

Rotary is a worldwide organisation set up over 100 years ago in the USA with the principal to provide fun, fellowship and to help those in need.

75th Anniversary of the Club.

Rye & Winchelsea Club

We meet on a Monday.  The first and third Monday are evening meetings from 18.30 for social gathering with the formal meeting commencing with a light supper at 19.00.  Most evening meetings are completed by 21.00 and allow for further social activities. 

The second and fourth Monday are lunch time meetings from 12.30 for social gathering with the formal meeting commencing with a sandwich lunch 13.00.  Most lunch time meetings are completed by 14.00 and allow for further social activities. 

The Club has a formal Council comprising the President, Treasurer, Secretary and the Chairs of its three committees: Fund Raising, Service and Club.  The committees are the back bone to running the club. 

The Fund Raising committee is the most obvious, which organises events throughout the community and you will have seen us at the Winchelsea Fete, Vintage Car rally (at Rye Rugby Club), Jempsons Supermarkets at Christmas time and many other locations throughout the year.

The Service Committee acts as a conduit to donate funds to local charities or good causes as nominated by members of through direct application from individuals.  This year alone we have donated with your very generous support over £8,000 to support our community.  Local beneficiaries include Rye Food Bank, Friends Altogether in Rye (FAiR), Brede School and St Micheal’s Hospice. We have also supported to a lesser degree International Aid through Rotary International which includes Ukraine and the Smile Train.

It’s not all work!   The Club committee organises the day to day management of the Club but also its social activities.  These event shave included a fish & chip supper following a walk around land of Special Scientific Interest, an evening with the Rye Lifeboat crew (RNLI), a yearly amble where a location is selected and we visit for two or three nights enjoying the local walks and hospitality and the occasional full English on a Saturday morning at the River Haven Hotel..

Activities and successes

This year you have seen that we raised over £8,000 for those in need.  We have also over the years planted over 5000 Crocus corns and you will see the little purple flowers around the area.  The colour purple is a symbol of Rotary’s International Campaign to eradicate Polio.  You will also have seen St Mary’s Church Rye, the Hub on the Hill and Ypres Tower lit in purple in October to promote World Polio day. Last year in conjunction with the Tenterden Club we organised a Christmas Stories Competition with over 20 schools taking part in this fabulous youth event. 


So if you’re interested in getting actively involved in supporting your local community, joining in fellowship and social activities please get in touch.   We understand you may not be able to attend all Club meetings due to work and family commitments; there is no getting away from the modern world.  However, if you are able and wish to explore joining our club then please contact the Club Secretary using:

E mail: ryerotary@gmx.com

Twitter : @RyeRotary

Tel : Venetia  Sanders on 07846177963

We look forward to hearing from you.


Contact Venetia Sanders about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

'What We Do' Main Pages:

75th Anniversary of the Club.

Rotary is a worldwide organisation set up over 100 years ago in the USA with the principal to provide fun, fellowship and to help those in need.

Wittersham School

The Club along with Tenterden Club ran a Christmas Story competition in the area. A total of 24 schools took part with each school submitting a maximum of 3 stories from each year group, over 300 stories were submitted.

Raising funds at local boot fair.

Details of how we support our local community, local good causes and International Rotary actions.
