East Sussex Schools Choir Competition 2015.
Following the success of the inaugural competition in 2011 and encouraged by the increase in entries in 2012 and 2013, planning is well under way for the 2015 competition.
I am looking forward to an even higher entry this year as word of the competition spreads.
The finals will be held on Friday May 22nd 2015 and the venue will again be the White Rock Theatre, Hastings and proceedings will commence at 6.30pm.
Following the success of their visit to the finals last year our patrons, Tenors Un Limited, will, professional commitments allowing, be presenting a short program prior to the awarding of the prizes. As an added inducement they will again be offering the winning and runner up choir the opportunity to sing with them at one of their professional engagements.
In addition the winning choir will receive a cheque for 250.00, the winners shield and the chance to go into a recording studio to produce a CD. The runner up choir will receive a cheque for 100.00 and the runner up shield.
All children entered in the finals will receive a certificate commemorating the event.
I sincerely hope that you will consider giving your pupils the chance to enter this wonderful competition.
Please click on the following for:
A few comments from past entrants.
I look forward to receiving your entry and can promise you a great evenings entertainment.
Should you require any further information or clarification please do not hesitate to contact me by email at Competitionchoir1066@hotmail.co.uk
David Hooper - Competition Director
more Sleigh routes around the town
more Tenors Unlimited on stage with 1066 Choir Competition winners with part proceeds going to Little Hands
more Sadly CANCELLED due to lack of support
more At Riley's Sports Bar
more To be held at the South Coast College further details to be advised
more At the home of Nick Hollingsworth
more At the home of Patrick Thompson
more At the home of David Hooper
more At the home of Peter Sparkes
more The second year of this sucessfull event
more At the home of Mike Stewart
more Meeting held at the home of Dave Hooper
more Wendnesday the 20th April a big quiz evening at the Azur on the seafront.
more The first of our School Choir competitions
more The first, of hopefully many, Secondary Scool Choral competitions
more The Quiz Night took place at the Azur and included a Buffet. The Quizmaster was Rotarian Peter Sparkes who set a popular, varied and fair quiz.
more Held at Riley's Snoker Club
more This was be the third year of this very successful school competition at the White Rock Theatre.
more To be held at Arthur Easton Hall on Wednesday 30 November. 21 pictures to be viewed from 5pm. Sale at 7.00pm
more January 2012
more Held at the BANNATYNE SPA HOTEL. Battle Rd. Hastings.
more At the home of Dave Hooper
more At the home of Dave Hooper