Environmental Updates from the Riverside

A monthly review of the environmental issues with Ideas how we can all play our part

Protecting the Envioronment

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Environmental Updates from the Riverside

Richard Pearce is a member os the Rotary Club of Maidstone Riverside and produces a monthley Newsletter covering all aspects effecting our environment giving the latest news, ideas and contacts as to our we can all play our part in saving our environment.

Past Updates see also Environment Newsletters - Maidstone Riverside Rotary

April 2024

Richard's April Newsletter focuses on Electronic waste with a lik to "Material Focus" giving a wealth of information.

May 2024

The May Newsletter includes a piece on how rainfall is affected by climate change and the consequences of this issue.

June 2024

We can all do something to reduce our Carbon Footprint. In this June issue Richard provides a link to calulate this.

July 2024

In this July Issue Richard highlights the far reachin and devstating effects of "Climate Change". He also lists the time it takes for many of the things we discard to break down.


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Protecting the Envioronment

Protecting The Environment

back Rotary members are tackling environmental issues the way they always do: coming up with projects, using their connections to change policy and planning for the future.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

How to get involved with Rotary

There area different ways to become involved with Rotary depending upon how much time you may have. These are given here.

Do you know someone in Eastbourne who will be alone this Christmas? Here's how you can help...

Providing a lunch on Christmas Day

Sports and Social Events

Sports and Social Events


This event offers a great opportunity for teams from all walks of life to join in a community-wide competitive but fun occasion on a summer’s evening.

A brief explanation...

A brief explanation...


Raising £100,000 to help house the homeless in Eastbourne


Our Main Club objective is to provide service. Obviously we also need money to enable this to happen These are the options.


International Projects


Youth projects

Rotary Foundation

The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International was created in 1917 for the purpose of "doing good in the world." Through the Foundation, Rotarians sponsor international educational and humanitarian programs, where some US$90 million is invested annually.
