The music library runs to 10,000 tunes and there is software to make their own jingles and adverts. These are often made in conjunction with students at Canterbury College where 3 students a year also come from for work experience. The station offers free publicity for Rotary events and also hopes to raise funds for the running of the station which, thanks to the generosity of volunteers, is only £3,000 a year.
When John and Steve were with us last Tuesday, they told about a podcast for the Tools With A Mission charity. The podcast will be on their system in a day or two and can be accessed.
via their website
They said they had a great time at the golf club and have "name-checked" the club during a broadcast this week. Steve said later "I hope some of your members found the time to tune in. If they missed the show I will be back "on the air" on Tuesday next week at 10:00.
Steve & John do not charge a fee for the presentation but request a donation to their chosen charity of Guide Dogs UK.
'What We Do' Main Pages:
This is a summary of the Club's activities for the last quarter. The document is in PDF format so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to enjoy it.
moreClub Management.
moreRaises Money for our Community and Rotary Charities
moreOur club web site now provides a full history of our club but the following gives an overview of previous years.