Rotarians try to improve people’s lives. Vernon has been volunteering at King Offa since 2013, initially as a Reading Partner.
In 2015 a member of staff found out that he had other skills and asked him to help to build kit car. Since then 32 pupils have taken part, building 11 cars.
Vernon said, “It is rewarding to see children developing their talents and a reminder to me that what appears simple to me is only because of years of practice. It is an opportunity for young people to learn new practical skills but also how to work together as a team; to find out that everything doesn't always go right first time and there is almost always more than one way to complete a task. I hope that some of them will continue to with a career in engineering.”
If anyone else would like to know more about this fulfilling role and the opportunity to help with other kit car building, please let us know.
more Battle & Langdon and St Paul's prepare their choirs for 21st November
more 1st Ninfield receive £500 from Bexhill Rotary Club
more This year we sent four students from St Richard's Catholic College to RYLA
more Event at ClaverhamCollage
more Let's Sing Junior Choir Competition - A resounding success
more A grand day out for Ninfield CoE Primary School
more At St Richards College we hope to give mock interviews to around 200 children in the morning
more Donation towards funding an MTa Learning STEM Activity Kit.
more All you need to know below.
more Youth Services Video Competition.
more £500 to help their projects
more The Club supported the Festival in March
more Rotary supports Busters Book Club.
more We are helping fund 10 Scouts for a trip to the USA and a Jamboree.
more 2 Local Youth organisations each received £400 from the Club
more Presentation to Glyne Gap
more Annual Public Speaking Competition at Battle Abbey School, start 6.30 pm
more The birth of a "Very Special Club"
more The Launch was held at Helenswood School
more Annual schools public speaking competition held at Vinehall School
more 29th May 2012 Mock interviews take place at St Richard's. Another successful annual event.
more Venue: St Richard's Catholic College,
more .