Scrapheap Challenge

Sun, Aug 21st 2022 at 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Pictures and Report.

A competition to build and launch a sailing vessel.

Past President Peter Mitchell-Davis, declared “We’ve had yet another successful time here at Egerton Park at this free event and all those participating and spectating seem to have enjoyed the occasion, competition and construction process.”  


Peter added, “This year we had 34 participants sharing the ten prizes on offer so the number of entrants was up on last year.”


This year, just like last year, Bexhill Rotary Club laid down the challenge to people to design and build their very own water craft made from whatever materials they could lay their hands on, bring them to Egerton Park and see how they fared on the strip of water between the two ornamental lakes, and they answered the challenge in increased numbers.


Before the amazing collection of craft of all shapes and sizes could be launched, they had to be judged on the most imaginative specimen as well as the best looking one.  Bexhill’s President Elect James Slinn and Past President Stephen White had the difficult task of judging with much scratching of heads before they pronounced the winners in each of the three age categories.


After the judging had been completed, much to the excitement of those thronging the water’s edge, the exotic craft were launched in each of the three age categories to find the fastest to the finishing line.  After all three races had been completed, the grand finale was the launching of every craft to see which one would take the overall prize of the fastest for the afternoon.  


Crowds lined the banks to see the flotilla make their often uncertain way downwind to the footbridge finishing line, and there was much cheering and waving when the final race with all the craft was nearing its finale.  


Organiser Peter’s final words at the end of the afternoon, “It’s a good feeling to put something like this event on for the community to take part in and enjoy, and thank you to all those who helped during the afternoon to make it such as success.”

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This is a summary of the Club's activities for the last quarter. The document is in PDF format so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to enjoy it.


Club Management.


Raises Money for our Community and Rotary Charities

Community Service Team

Contact us if you have a project or Local Charity that we may be able to support.


International Charities and Fellowship.

Social & Meetings Committee 2023-24

Keeping us fed and entertained.


Support for education and Local Youth Groups


Our club web site now provides a full history of our club but the following gives an overview of previous years.
