Rotary Helps Pack Hampers

Thu, Dec 5th 2019 at 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Bexhill Caring Community Christmas Hampers

Bexhill Rotary Club go Hamper Packing!

    There was a good turnout from the club for the Bexhill Caring Community hamper packing day. The Mayor Cllr.Kathy Harmer and Rotarians made their way around tables laden with groceries donated by local stores, the Rotarians filled a huge pile of gaily decorated boxes with an assortment of goodies, to be delivered to older residents to help them over Christmas and show them they were remembered and cared for by their fellow citizens.

 The following day the Rotarians returned and braved the wind and rain to deliver the hampers. Despite the weather - or perhaps because of it - this was speedily accomplished to the delight of many grateful residents.!

Jackie Haggerty, Manager at Bexhill CC, was very grateful for Bexhill Rotary’s support with this annual hamper packi

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This is a summary of the Club's activities for the last quarter. The document is in PDF format so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to enjoy it.


Club Management.


Raises Money for our Community and Rotary Charities

Community Service Team

Contact us if you have a project or Local Charity that we may be able to support.


International Charities and Fellowship.

Social & Meetings Committee 2023-24

Keeping us fed and entertained.


Support for education and Local Youth Groups


Our club web site now provides a full history of our club but the following gives an overview of previous years.
