KidsOut 2019

Wed, Jun 12th 2019 at 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

A fun day out at Knockhatch Adventure Park. Report & Pictures.

It was rather a wet and overcast day when 30 specially selected, and excited, children from King Offa Primary School, along with President Graham Forster and PP Roger Batey, boarded a coach and took off for a day out at Knockhatch Adventure Park near Hailsham.

Once inside the adventure park, the party headed by Deputy Head Natasha Baker, as the rain had held off, headed towards the animals on display including deer, miniature ponies, wallabies, and a rather large pig.

Then it was on to Lost World Playbarn followed by a lot of bouncing on Jumping Pillows, after which it was exciting sessions on the Wave Runner, the Castle with a beast hidden in its depths, zip wire, Hen House where there was much firing of soft balls at each other, and finally back to Lost World Playbarn to round things off ... phew!  It certainly was all go!

Somehow, amidst all this hectic activity, lunch was dealt with when the rain came down with a vengeance, and all the children were presented with a colourful lolly courtesy of Bexhill Rotary Club.

Natasha Baker said how much the children had enjoyed their day out, with some saying it was their best day out ever, and thanked Bexhill Rotary Club for sponsoring the outing.   

President Graham said how great it was to see the pleasure on the children’s faces.  He added, “I think this is a smashing event and is money very well spent by the club. A good example of our motto, Service Above Self.” 

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This is a summary of the Club's activities for the last quarter. The document is in PDF format so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to enjoy it.


Club Management.


Raises Money for our Community and Rotary Charities

Community Service Team

Contact us if you have a project or Local Charity that we may be able to support.


International Charities and Fellowship.

Social & Meetings Committee 2023-24

Keeping us fed and entertained.


Support for education and Local Youth Groups


Our club web site now provides a full history of our club but the following gives an overview of previous years.
