Christmas Hampers

Bexhill Caring Community Helped with Christmas Hampers..


A week or two ago, Jackie Haggerty of Bexhill Caring Community in Sackville Road asked for help with their annual Christmas hamper packing and distribution  to local people. Once again the Club said yes and so it was that on Wednesday 6th December a number of eager Rotarians and their other halves assembled in the Bagnall Room to the rear of Bexhill Caring Community to perform the mammoth task of laying out a whole load of produce donated by local schools and churches plus a variety of goods handed in by members of the generous public, this was in readiness for preparing and packing the Christmas hampers the following day when another troop of volunteers arrived on the Thursday morning … under the direction of Community Services Chairman, John Cooper, many hands on Thursday 7th December completed the task of preparing and packing the hampers ready for delivery, a grand total of 65 were filled and wrapped! … also on the Thursday, President Paul Frostick presented a cheque for £400 to Jackie Haggerty for the Bexhill Caring Community … then on the Friday around 50 of those hampers were delivered by Rotarians to some very grateful and surprised people in Bexhill … so, all in all a jolly good job was done and much fellowship in the process was enjoyed.

 In response, Jackie Haggerty thanked the Rotarians for the generous £400 cheque and added, “A BIG thank you to everyone at Rotary who had helped during the week with hamper preparations, packing and wrapping, and delivery”.  She went on to say that words cannot express Bexhill Caring Community’s gratitude and said, “We could not do all this without Rotary’s help so thank you so very much.”  Jackie’s final comment was to wish the Rotarians and their families, on behalf of everyone at Bexhill Caring Community, a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful 2018.

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