Business Meeting

Tue, Mar 2nd 2010 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

This week’s business meeting saw the induction of two new members, Hugh Allen and James Slinn. We were also joined by honorary member Roy Sharpe, as well as our GSE member, Richard Smith.

Inductions, My Life My job Talk, lots of business and a down stairs venue!

Membership at Bexhill Rotary Club reached a new high tonight when two new members were inducted,

bringing the total number of members to 44.

They are Hugh Allen whose classification is "building contracting services" and was introduced to the club by Past President Colin Stutely while the other newcomer, active in "management accounting services" is James Slinn, introduced by Past President George Rogers who unfortunately was absent and therefore presented on the evening by Past President Richard Harrison.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

This is a summary of the Club's activities for the last quarter. The document is in PDF format so make sure you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to enjoy it.


Club Management.


Raises Money for our Community and Rotary Charities

Community Service Team

Contact us if you have a project or Local Charity that we may be able to support.


International Charities and Fellowship.

Social & Meetings Committee 2023-24

Keeping us fed and entertained.


Support for education and Local Youth Groups


Our club web site now provides a full history of our club but the following gives an overview of previous years.
