Thursday 19th Dec 2024
A record number of 67 members and guests enjoyed a fine traditional lunch followed by a few seasonal words from Hon. Rtn. Rev. Bill Bowman.
more Lugana Restaurant in Elmers End
more Visit to Eastbourne for the Rotary District Annual Conference
more The World's Greatest Meal Lunch
more Fantastic tour of the Abbey with grateful thanks to our very knowledgeable Tour Guide Tricia Braithwaite
more Fund raising event for the President's Charities
more Return to the Dulwich & Sydenham Golf Club
more Supper with Jazz, in support of St. Christopher's Hospice
more A return visit to a favourite holiday hotel
more A lunch for members and partners to mark the coronation
more Supper with Opera, for charity
more The 57th annual dinner held in memory of Sir Winston Churchill.
back Holding enjoyable social events and raising money to support local charities.