Reasons to be Cheerful!

Swanage & Purbeck Rotary has three reasons to be in a celebratory mood.

Sharon Westman receiving her PHF

The last couple of weeks have very much been reasons for Swanage & Purbeck Rotary to celebrate, as we awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship (PHF) and inducted two new members to the group.

At our speaker meeting on 8th May, invited by President Chris to come and listen to our speaker Frank Roberts (aided any abetted by her husband Iain, who was in on the minor deception!), we were delighted to present Sharon Westman with a PHF. Sharon established the Purbeck Business and Community group in 2017 and has co-ordinated the group until earlier this year. It was set up to provide people in small businesses, groups and charities in the Purbeck area with support, advice and knowledge by coming together and sharing ideas, good practice, experise and help in promoting one another. Swanage and Purbeck Rotary has been a participant in this group and has benefitted accordingly. Sharon is also the editor of the Studland Parish newsletter and was involved in setting up the Wonderful Studland Ladies, a charitable group based in the village.

On the same evening we inducted Sarah Vile as a new member of the group. Sarah has lived in Swanage for the past three years and approached Rotary because she is interested in becoming more involved with the local community. Sarah has another reason to celebrate too, as she was elected to Swanage Town Council at the recent local elections.

  New Rotarian Sarah Vile being welcomed by President Chris

Then this week, at our AGM on 15th May, we inducted Magda Kawinska as a new member of the group. Magda has her own cleaning company and met with President Chris and President Elect Maggie a few weeks ago to find out more about Rotary. 

 And here's Magda Kawinska joined the team!

We are delighted to welcome both Sarah and Magda to the family of Rotary and look forward to working with them to the benefit of our community over the coming years.

The AGM itself heard details of all the activities that our group has been involved in over the past year. From events such as the Summer FĂȘte, our Christmas activities and Silver Saturday to donations to local schools, supporting Purbeck Dementia Friendly and providing ShelterBoxes for areas affected by natural disasters and war, it's been a busy year, and we're not quite finished yet as the Rotary year runs from July to June.

Next month we'll be ramping up to the handover when new President Maggie Hardy will be taking over the reins, and we'll be ready to go again!

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About the CIO

more Swanage and Purbeck Rotary's charitable and fundraising activities are managed by the CIO

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Sharon Westman receiving her PHF


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