Inner Wheel Club of Boscombe and Southbourne

Heather Barnes

Welcome to our website. 

My name is Heather Barnes and I am President of this great Club. We have our permanent meeting venue which allows us to display our personal effects relating to Inner Wheel International and District but also our own Club.

Our meeting venue is Northwick House, 18 Owls Road Boscombe Bournemouth BH5 1AF

Meeting times: 2nd Monday of the month at 2.30pm                                      4th Monday of the month at 7.00pm                                                      

You are welcome to join us in friendship at one of our meetings, there is ample parking at the venue.                                           

Inner Wheel is the largest women's voluntary service organisation in the world with the aims of friendship, personal service and international understanding. International Inner Wheel has over 100,000 members in 3895 Clubs in 103 countries.

Boscombe & Southbourne Inner Wheel Club is in District 11, one of 29 Districts in the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland. Membership is open to wives, partners or relatives of present or former Rotarians and those connected to Rotaract, any woman related to a present or former Inner Wheel member and any woman who has been invited to join.

The Club has 26 members and meet twice a month in the Club room at Northwick House, 18 Owls Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth, BH5 1AF. The meeting on the second Monday of the month is at 2.30 pm., and the fourth Monday of the month at 7.00 pm.

We enjoy a varied social programme including coffee mornings, pub lunches, outings and visits to other Clubs. The two main projects each year are the charities chosen by our Presdent and our International Service Organiser. My chosen Charity for this year is 'Dorset Childrens Foundation' We also support our District Holiday Scheme, an annual event giving a weeks holiday to carers, both adults and children. We enjoy attending District meetings and functions, Association Conferences and International Conferences held every three years.

For many years the Club has had a link with a Swedish Club in Goteborg. Members have exchanged visits - three members enjoyed a wonderful five days with them in June.

On Monday June 6th 2016 we celebrated our 60th Charter Year.

For further information or to visit our Club please email:

Heather Barnes                                                                       President


Inner Wheel Club of Boscombe and Southbourne sub-pages:

Inner Wheel Photo Gallery

more photographic time line of recent activities