Is Rotary for You?

Discover more about Rotary International - an interesting and diverse group of professional people working together locally, who dedicate time to various local and international good causes.


Would like to get involved in helping others?    We are a growing, friendly mixed club, with an increasing younger and female membership, why not participate to make the world better, safer and happier.  Read about Rotary in the Rotary Newspaper (pdf). For more information about how to get involved, see this page on the Rotary GB&I (Rotary in Britain and Ireland) site but do feel free to Contact us if you want to get involved in Basingstoke.

Look down the tabs on the left of this page to find out what we do.  The Chinese proverb says it all - "Tell me and I will forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand"; find out how to get involved and more on our membership page or Contact us for more information.

See the Rotary Showcase that demonstrates the breadth of projects that Rotary clubs undertake.

Local Meetings and events

We meet locally for fun, fellowship, talks, social and interclub sports and to organise our voluntary service work. Meeting information is shown at the top right of this page.  Members may visit any other Rotary club, whenever and wherever in the world they are and will get involved in local and international project work. There is no age limit for joining Rotary. See the Discover Rotary tab.

Click on the Events Page above to see our what we are up to and the Photo Galleries Link to see photos of some of our recent events.

Member Testimonials

From Club Member - Mark

Rtn. Mark Flower

“I joined Rotary about 15 years ago having been introduced by some business friends in Basingstoke

There was a very warm welcome to me at the first few meetings and I soon developed many friendships
I have gained so much from Rotary, enjoying the fellowship whilst gaining great fulfilment in planning and organising many different fund raising events from small Quiz Night evenings to Grand Balls with over 250 people
We have raised many ten of thousand pounds for many different local charities and it has given me great satisfaction to see the benefit to our local community

Our club continues to give me enjoyment and fullfullment and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who feels they wish to 'give a little back to society’ whilst having a great time”

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Discover more about Rotary International - an interesting and diverse group of professional people working together locally, who dedicate time to various local and international good causes.


Photos and reports of recent events


This two day fun event moved to a new venue at the field next door to Basingstoke Cricket Club


Explore how Rotary can build partnerships with other organisations. We welcome Business and Community Partners who wish to help and support our activities. .


Interesting Weekly Talks & Reports. Find out more information about our weekly meeting and talks given to our club.


RAISING FUNDS FOR GOOD CAUSES PLEASE HELP US TO HELP OTHERS To make a direct donation or to join our Club Lottery via Basingstoke & Deane Community Lottery please click on Details below


Information about Rotary opportunities and support for young people


Read here about some of the Club's International Activities


Rotary Supports Communities whether local or around the world. Find out more.
