Rotary Family Holiday Camp Chalet

Sat, Jul 9th 2011 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

The Rotary club of Basingstoke sometimes offers a free holiday to needy families who otherwise would never experience such an opportunity

Thanks to the generosity of the public in our fundraising activities, most years the Rotary club of Basingstoke is able to offer one or two families in need, the opportunity of a free holiday in a holiday camp run by the New Milton Rotary club.  Some years, we are able to offer two one-week holidays.

There are many families in our area who never have the opportunity to have a family holiday owing to unfortunate circumstances. It may be a family with a young carer,  a single parent, or family circumstances where bad luck has befallen them.

Selection of suitable families is often carried out with the local social services team, who, knowing those that will best benefit, are able to suggest names to our Rotary team working with the local community.

If you know of somebody who you think will benefit, then do not hesitate to contact us through the contact form below.

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Event will raise money in aid of local Charities we are supporting this year Basingstoke MENCAP, Spotlight and Riding for the Disabled and other Rotary charities.

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