
Read District Shelterbox Co-ordinator Howard Matthews' account of the great work that this partner of Rotary is doing around the world in spite of the corona virus

Firstly, I hope you and your family are well and staying safe, have you been working from home during the last few weeks to keep things moving forward?

After the initial lock down of everything, people may be now starting to raise their heads a little above the parapet to see what stages of normality are returning, whatever we now may define as normality.

Many club around the country are meeting virtually and often with a better attendance than their previous meetings.

In this light, a club holding a virtual meeting may need a virtual speaker and this is where, through yourself, we would like to offer our services to up date how ShelterBox in the Covid-19 crisis is still helping people around the world.

We have the luxury of our safe houses to isolate, purchase sanitisers and have in many cases our regular food delivered to our door. However, for refuges and indigenously displaced people, many living through the aftermath of a natural or man made disaster their lives exist in crowded settlements with poor sanitation, with basic services severely limited and where social distancing and hand washing, as we know it, is impossible.

That is why we would like to offer the chance to up date what S/Box is doing in these areas in a short virtual presentation to any clubs in D1110 who are having virtual meetings.

This would be very much a learning curve for us as we have not done this before, but this may be part of the way we will be working in the future.

CLICK HERE for the latest update on how Shelterbox has adapted to the COVID19 pandemic and continues to deliver its unique global support despite the current restrictions

And here's a personal message from Shelterbox C.E.O. Sanj Srikanthan

And a final thought from District 1110 Shelterbox Co-ordinator Howard Matthews

Fellow Rotarians all our lives are being affected by corona virus in some way but those living in refugee camps or in makeshift settlements are particularly vulnerable. Despite the challenges Shelterbox teams are working harder than ever to reach vulnerable families around the world. A great way to hear about what they are doing to provide life saving shelteris to invite a virtual speaker to your club’s online meeting.

Shelterbox is keen to support Rotary club meetings by providing virtual speakers. I am one of a team of volunteer staff and speakers who can provide general Shelterbox talk or a corona virus specific update. To invite Shelterbox speaker to join your club’s virtual meeting, in real time, e-mail 

Or, alternatively, CLICK HERE to contact me, Rtn Howard Matthews (Christchurch Rotary and District 1110 Shelterbox Co-ordinator).

If you are interested in reading more about our current work or accessing activities please visit: 

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Launch of Centenary Community Fund

Syrian children in the Lebanon

Jersey Porridge Day 2017 is on Tuesday the 10th of October. It is run once a year in support of Mary's Meals.


The story of Rotary's fight to Eradicate Polio from the World.

The competitors

Eight young chefs compete for the title Rotary Young Chef Jersey 2015-16 and the opportunity to compete in regional finals in February at Bournemouth

Megan McDonagh's place setting Rotary Young Chef District Final

Megan McDonagh represents Jersey at the District Finals in Bournemouth

Purple Pinkies Petanque

Rotary in the St Helier summer lunchtime petanque league

Lend With Care Clients

Helping to improve lives in under-developed countries by providing loans for self improvement

Rotary Club of Jersey Peace Programme

An introduction to the Rotary Club of Jersey's Programme

Back home in our

A social Centre for people who want to have friendship and keep active in body and mind.

Young Enterprise Presentations 2015 begin

Young people set up a business, run it for 9 months and then wind it up! All part of the process of learning what business is all about under the guidance of volunteer advisers.


We work hard to deliver help where it is needed in our island.


It is well known that Young People are our future, here we show how Rotary tries to help their development as adults.


Rotary working to help the less fortunate around the world.

ShelterBox and the Tents they contain.

An emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies for a family at a time when they need it most.


AquaBox a Rotary Club of Wirksworth project helping people caught up in disasters around the world.


The Rotary Club of Jersey aids the victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines by sending donations totaling £5,000 to ShelterBox and AquaBox.


Jersey Peace Forum - Welcome


An appeal to raise £2m to aid refugees in Syria


Induction of President Toni Roberts and presentation of two awards for Community Service.


The award is made to persons or organisations in recognition of their outstanding, worthy and meritorious service to the Island of Jersey and its people, in keeping with the Rotary International motto of "Service before Self".


A selection of projects being carried out by Rotarians worldwide.


Press releases issued between.


A summary of our club meetings.


Links to all this year's bulletins and Robert's reflections from January 2014 onwards. Archives available on sub pages.


A report on Rotary's activities world wide in the year from 1st July 2012.

Hlidays for Heroes logo.

A showcase for events being held by local charities we support.


A Foundation that helps Individuals and Charities from Jersey Channel Islands


If you want to support us financially in what we do then please read below.
