The Rotary Clubs of de la Manche and Jersey together with the members of Inner Wheel sold porridge in St Helier on 10th October 2014, World Porridge Day. In total £4,861.30 was raised. This will provide porridge for 398 children for one whole year on school days. Thank you so much for helping us achieve this.
Thanks also to our supporters without whose help this would not have been possible.
Battricks, BBC Radio Jersey, Don Street Deli, Easenmyne, Jersey Dairy, Mayfair Hotel, Mercury Distribution, Pomme d'Or Hotel, The Channel Islands Cooperative Society and the General Hospital.
Not forgetting of course you the public. Thank you again.
more £4,000 raised for Mary's Meals on 15th October 2015
more All in support of Mary's Meals on Jersey Porridge Day
more Jersey's schoolchildren enjoy a Porridge breakfast and learn about Mary's Meals.
more The 2014 news letter from Mary's Meals
more A celebration of joy and happiness at Mary's Meals largest feeding programme in Malawi.
more Latest newsletters from Mary's Meals
more An animation showing what Mary's Meals can do to help hungry children the world over.
more How Mary's Meals developed to what it is today.
more Selling Porridge to raise funds for Mary's Meals
back Jersey Porridge Day 2017 is on Tuesday the 10th of October. It is run once a year in support of Mary's Meals.