Welcome and Introduction
Tom Fallon
Welcome and Introduction
Rotarian Toni Roberts
President 2013-14
Afghanistan - education as a path to peace
Discussion and interactive session
Rich Wainwright from Australia
Rotary Peace Fellow and Photojournalist
Working towards peace with women and children in Liberia
Yumiko Shinya from
Rotary Peace Fellow
UBUNTU-the spirit of humanity
Discussion and interactive session
"What does Peace mean to you!"
Helen Sayers
Yumiko Shinya and
Rich Wainwright
Closing remarks
Tom Fallon
Jersey College for Girls
more A selection of articles in the press related to the Peace Forum.
more 100 delegates participate in discussions on Peace and Conflict Resolution stimulated by a range of presentations from expert speakers.
more A miscellany of delagates and speakers during the day.
more 90 members and guests attend a dinner to celebrate UN World Peace Day and to hear two of the Speakers who had travelled from Australia and the UK to contribute to the Peace Forum itself.
more 360 young people explore the meaning of Peace and how they can help achieve it.
more 90 delegates gather for the Peace Forum and examine displays from our supporting Charities.
more Peace Dinner
more Programme Saturday 21st September 2013
more Jersey Peace Forum - Speaker Biographies
more Information for Registration
more Online Registration
more Manual Registration
more Sample Peace Dinner menu