We will meet at the Signal Tower Museum at
10.30. This was originally built in 1813 as the shore base to operate in tandem
with the lighthouse that had been built by Robert Stephenson between 1807 and
1810, and is now the world’s oldest surviving sea washed lighthouse. We will
start by watching a video about the lighthouse accompanied by tea/coffee,
biscuits and cake, then have a group tour of the museum lead by the museum
This will take us till around 12.30 when there will be an hour for lunch.
At 1.30 we will board our boat to motor out and see the lighthouse from close
up. We are not allowed to land on the rock itself. The boat will have fishing
rods and bait available for everyone should you wish to try your luck. The boat
should dock back in Arbroath Harbour at about 5.30 pm.
The cost is £35 per person, which does not include lunch. If the weather is too
poor to sail, then that part of the day would be cancelled and the boat money
Whatever the weather, warm clothing, sunscreen and waterproofs are recommended.
The boat is partially enclosed and has a toilet.
The are various options for lunch including a picnic at the museum, take away
fish and chips at the harbour or cafes.
Numbers are limited to 14 on the boat and are open on a first come reply basis
to members and their guest.