On Saturday 20th June the 16th Annual Rotary Club of Uxbridge “Eborn Pratt” five a side football tournament was held at Rockingham Recreation ground in association with Waterloo Road Church.
The community tournament which is open to all teams boys and/or girls from across the Borough is one of the highlights of the Rotary Year and this year more teams entered than ever before.
With the goals set up, pitches marked, teams booked in and the all-important referees in place the first matches ‘kicked-off’ at 10:00 am. The matches were fought hard but fair and the day say Breakspear School and Hillingdon FC in the under 10 category final; with Hillingdon FC taking a 2:0 victory over Breakspear and Sandgate and Sandgate Colts in the under 12 category final. Sandgate Colts were strong players, but the power of the Sandgate was too much and they secured a 6:1 victory to lift the overall winner's trophy.
The day concluded with the presentation of the medals and trophies to the winning teams; presented by the Deputy Mayor of Hillingdon Cllr. John Hensley and Deputy Mayoress Mrs. Diane Hensley and Rotary Club President Elect, Mr. Mike Crane.