Monks Risborough School Sanctuary Garden Renovation 2025


Last year Richard Stevenson and Jean Roberts had a tour of some of the outside areas of the school with Fiona Waterhouse, the Business Manager there.  Fiona told us that there were plans to make a Forest School area when their outdoor swimming pool was removed. They were also looking at an adjacent area with a pond – which was extremely  overgrown - to make a sanctuary/sensory garden which would be of immense value to their pupils.  This area needed considerable cutting back so that a tranquil area could be created for the children to sit and enjoy when they needed some calm space.  It is planned to do some re-planting in the future so that it is also a sensory garden which will be of great value for them.

Rotary were able to help – in the form of Bill Smith!  Bill gave up an entire weekend to spend at the school clearing the undergrowth, and pressure washing the area around the pond, and also part of the playground!  I am sure you will agree that with all his efforts, Bill has done a brilliant job, and the school and children have all expressed sincere thanks to Bill for his hard work!  

Fiona  Waterhouse  the school's business manager says " The children are already planning how to use the area once the better weather comes and it can be used as part of our outdoor/forest school learning. Our Year 3 children have written Bill some lovely thank you letters which I've forwarded to him."  They have also shared BIll's sterling efforts more widely among the community and acknowledged the support they have received from Rotary.



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