Over 75s Living Alone in Princes Risborough Christmas Lunch

Saturday 10th Dec 2022 Rotary Club Annual Event

On Saturday December 10th, the Rotary Club of Princes Risborough, well supported by a committee of others from the town’s community, held the eleventh annual Christmas Lunch for individuals aged over 75, living alone in the town.  The Club has been closely involved with this and other similar events since they began in 2012, entirely taking over the lunch from the previous town committee in 2019.

Apart from the occasion when we provided hampers to our potential guests when the lunch was cancelled during the Covid lockdown in 2020 we have continued to fund and organise the event each year.

The Club allowed funding of up to £1,000 plus a grant of £250 from the PR Town Council.  The figures have not been finalised, but I very much hope that at least 25% of the £1,250 will be held over to be used towards the cost future events.

Rotary Club Members provided transport to and from the lunch for a majority of our 63 guests, the oldest of which is a robust 101; they were entertained with pre drinks of a warm fruit punch, followed by a full roast turkey meal with all the trimmings and Christmas pudding or trifle provided by Ashlea Catering who have provided the lunch to an extremely high standard and virtually at cost since we started.  Our guests were able to enjoy some wine with the meal, entertainment by the Princes Risborough Ukulele Band, and took away a pack of cookies each to enjoy over Christmas.  Our thanks also to the Beavers of Princes Risborough who provided handmade Christmas Cards for all attendees and Rotarian Trevor Fitch who acted as MC throughout..

We were supported at the Princes Centre venue, once again provided at no charge, by the Mayor Andy Ball, Rotarian Councillor Matt Walsh who represents the Risboroughs on Buckinghamshire Council and is a former Princes Risborough mayor and town councillor, and the Rev David Willams Rector of the Town’s parish of St Mary’s.

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Saturday 10th Dec 2022 Rotary Club Annual Event


St Dunstan's Mill Lane Princes Risborough


An amazing £2,217 raised for charity


28th October 2023

Sensory Garden

The New Garden was officially open on Tuesday 19th October by Rotary President Christopher Tyrer with an informal ceremony involving school staff and pupils

BYC Sailing Group

2 days of sailing instruction


RCPR Donations from 2010


Day 1 July 27th Day 2 August 1st


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