Nick's Charity Parachute Jump - Update

Sat, Sep 10th 2022 at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

On September 10th 2022, Nick Kavanagh, who is a nephew of one of the Club's members Graeme Card, took a great leap of faith and jumped from a light aircraft at Hinton Airfield, near Brackley in Northamptonshire.
Fortunately, he was attached to a parachute, and the jump, which was in aid of the Epilepsy Society at the suggestion of the Club's past President, Christopher Tyrer, has raised over £800 with more to come from Gift Aid.
Princes Risborough Rotary Club thanks and congratulates Nick for his great effort, and we have received thanks from Gordon Craig - who represents The Epilepsy Society UK - for the Rotary Club donation of £850.  The Society helps to transform the 600,000 people in the UK who live with epilepsy.

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The competition returned after a 2 year break.


Day 1 July 27th Day 2 August 1st

Sensory Garden

The New Garden was officially open on Tuesday 19th October by Rotary President Christopher Tyrer with an informal ceremony involving school staff and pupils


RCPR Donations from 2010


Saturday 10th Dec 2022 Rotary Club Annual Event


St Dunstan's Mill Lane Princes Risborough


An amazing £2,217 raised for charity


28th October 2023

BYC Sailing Group

2 days of sailing instruction


Information on Our Club and Rotary
