The Phar Phetched Phantom
A thrilling and mind-tickling murder mystery written and performed by Lacey Green Productions on 27th March in aid of the Princes Centre.
55 Rotarians, their partners and some friends filled the dining area and bar at Whiteleaf Golf Club for an evening of entertainment featuring:
• An upper crust woman who builds walls and has a peacock fetish
• A dodgy electric car salesman with a stash of cash and Italian wine
• A slimy accountant with an unhappy childhood and a penchant for electronics
• A smooth-talking, retired vicar who may be open to blackmail
• A former Russian spy turned double agent
• A republican, Canadian architect whose buildings all look like log cabins
• An ecstatic medium who has just struck lucky and has made ethereal contact with;
• “The Phantom” who, in her lifetime, knew all the secrets that the others tried to hide and was universally disliked
• Plus a Narrator, who is a wannabe poet, doubling as an overworked prompter with a sidekick Sound Man who insists on making all his own equipment
• And don’t forget, there are also dogs and peacocks
Rotarians were divided into teams of six to eight and asked to come up with the culprit and the motive, with a prize for the best answer (as judged by LGP). This was won by the ‘Laughing Policemen’. In addition, the most original and amusing answer, even (and especially) if wrong, was collected by John Hughes’s table.
Overall, £340 was raised from the evening, of which £250 was pledged to the Princes Centre.
There is an option of repeating the entertainment in future once LGP have written a new mystery!
more John has organised a pleasant 5 mile ramble through the Hampden Estate starting at Gt. Hampden Village Hall at 10 am prompt! A bring and share lunch at 1.30 back at the hall
more February's walk has been moved to the 20th of March and takes place in the Waddesdon Estate. Meeting at Waddesdon Village Hall 10.00am.
more Organised by John Holmes, this walk will take place at the Hambledon Village Hall. Datails as per the attached link.
more There will be a joint meeting with our twin club in Bavaria starting May 6th. This year it will take place in Nuremburg with the Wasserburg club. We will be visiting the town and will have a formal meeting on Saturday evening with our wives/partners.
more Details will follow from Malcolm Barker
more Keith will be having his Presidents Dinner and Dance evening at the Ellesborough Golf Club. More details to follow.
more ROTARY AND FRIENDS WALK SUNDAY 17TH MAY, 2015 The arrangements for this walk are: - "¢ Meet at 10.00 am prompt at Goring Village Hall (Garden Room). RG8 9AG. In the High Street, towards the river bridge. "¢ Circular walk of about 5.5 miles, i
more Musical Comedy by Cole Porter, contact John Holmes for details
more Meeting at Gt Hampden Village Hall. Bring and share lunch at 1.30pm
more Presidents Night to be held at Ellesborough Golf Club
more The progressive supper evening
more Duty Stewards: Barry Tomkins and David Troup
more RAF PTS (Parachute Training School) tour and overview.
more Every other month John Holmes organises walks in the local area
more St George's Night held on 16th April, 2012
more There are 2 weekly Cycling Groups
more piping the haggis
more A report of the recent "sailors" holiday in Greece
more Pat Voss and his merry crews sailing in Greek waters
more Sailing in Greece 2013
more To celebrate the birth of Scotland's best known poet. An evening of fun and entertainment, with perhaps a little formality mixed in. Where would we be without a HAGGIS???!
more Burns Night
more Report on the paper trail visit
more archive
more Organised by John Holmes