Rotary International Friendship Tours

A new way to see a country

This section of Rotary is little known because it is restricted in the number of Rotarians who can participate in other countries. Personally I have been fortunate to have invitations in  Canada, Brazil 2000, Australia, Turkey, Finland and South Africa participating in these Special Tours over many years.

The Rotary Club of Knysna has invited Rotarians with their partners to repeat a Tour in South Africa in October/November 2017. In the past about eight  High Wycombe Rotarians  with their partners have taken advantage of visiting the best of South Africa with international friends. CLICK HERE to see the itinerary for Tour 36 to consider and make direct contact with the Knysna Club which host the visiting Rotarians enjoying the Garden Route for four nights included in the Tour.

John Cambell - Past president

'What We Do' Main Pages:

You too can help by making a donation.

Young Chef 2020

Press coverage of our Young Chef competition, held on 21st January 2020 with celebrity chef Phil Vickery and photo of this years winner from Holmer Green School

Photos at John Hampden Grammar School November 2018

This description of a Tournament was written when the Rotary Club of High Wycombe ran the 2007 Tournament. Now, after twelve years, it still portrays the essence of the event.

Bucks Free Press PICTURE SPECIAL published on 19 January 2018

Full Page Picture Special in the Bucks Free Press (Friday 19 January 2018) of lunch and presentations.


Here is a "read only" planning calendar. You need to log in to this Google Calendar independently if you wish to add to or amend it, but if you already have a Google Calendar you can merge it with yours. Contact John Radford for details.


The Community Committee is dedicated to fund-raising for and support of charitable work in the locality.

The contents of a Shelter Box

Summary of International activities


'Youth Service' embraces a variety of projects concerned with young people, including Rotaract in High Wycombe


Our Rotaract Club is very important to us.


A link to our Facebook page and other memorable events with a small selection of photographs at Club activities
