This annual Valentines Day event is fun for the public to receive a special free gift from students.
Fun was had by all.
more Millie, Emma and Alex teaching disadvantaged children in Kings Norton School in Uganda.
more From Portugal, Lia had a special story to tell
more Addy is from Minnesota and sponsored by her home club to study for a Master's degree in Social Anthropology in St Andrews
more In a very wet stormy night raising funds for Families First
more Rotaract donated £500 to Rotaract Past President Keertna to buy desks for the School in India.
more With Love From Rotaract
more Rotaract Vice President Eleanor helped Lester receive a donation of £142 for accompanying her on her 872 Km walk to reach their target of £872 raised to help education of girls in the Andes.
more Wine and Cheese speed dating on careers and CVs at St Leonards Church Hall
more Mei Jun Tan's internship to the girls school in India was spoiled by Covid
more "To the ends of the earth with my travelling teddy. What I loved, lost and learnt along the Camino de Santiago".
more There was also the handover of the Rotaract chain of office to Rishika by past President Shagun
more 7.00
more In May 2011 the Rotaract Club of St Andrews was chartered following development meetings from 25th February
more Local lass and 4th year student Amie has many talents
more Shagun gave a presentation of her life in India and also in St Andrews
more Lindsay Bribiescas in California updated us on 5th August
more Shagun received chain of office from Kimberley
more Rotaract members braved the wind and rain to hand out free Valentines Day roses to the public
more 2 St Andrews Rotaract students, Shagun and Lyndsey, reported on their month teaching in the School
more President Lyndsey and Vice President Shagun teaching in the School for Disadvantaged Girls.
more Life as a student
more Rotaract collection from student halls of residence of donations for the Food Bank by Rotaract Vice President, Archanna and Colin
more Rotaract members saw lambs being born and had calve suck their fingers
more This is the sign-up event for new members where Rotaract is explained
more Rotaract member Divya Parkash updated the Club on her teaching experience at the school this summer
more With Rotaract sold mulled wine and mince pies at Madras site of Festival and stewarded the procession to the Firework Display at Station Park. £310 raised for Rotaract charity Maggies Meals.
more Lindsay is a third year student from Santa Rosa in California and had a year at UCLA
more Members of the Rotaract Club helped St Andrews Rotary Club members with the Chariots of Fire fun runs on the West Sands in aid of World Wide Cancer Research 500 runners took part
more President Tea from Macedonia handed over the chain of office to newly elected President Anastasiya Belyaeva from Crimea for the year 2014-2015
more Photos of fun over 7 years of the Rotaract Club of St Andrews
more Donate to St Andrews Rotaract Club's main charity at
more Rotaract student Jennifer get involved with Heart Start and learns about an agricultural show
more Maddie is a 3rd year student and has been involved on the Rotaract Club since 1st year.
more Wilson Sibbett gave enlightening talk to Rotaract on the use of lasers in many different situations in the world, especially in new cancer treatments.
more Post grad Rotaract members helped at Rotary summer events
more Office bearers for 2015-2016 were elected by secret voting after nominations had been received from the 43 members of the Club.
more Rotary and Rotaract members enjoyed and evening of fellowship at a Cheese and Wine Party with a presentation on Iceland by Rotaract member Saeuun
more Ladies brought to tears as Rotaract hand out 100 free roses "With love from Rotaract"
more Photos of Rotaractors helping and having fun
more Past President Tea Pesheva No1, Past Treasurer Chris Allman No2 and Arina Nagy-Vizitiu (sister of founding president) No5
more Colin Mitchell took 4 Rotaract members to see calves, combines and strawberries
more Rotaract St Andrews selected students, Divya Parkash and Tanushree Garg to teach for 3 weeks each in a school for disadvantaged girls in a remote part of India near Meerut. If you wish to donate please contact Colin Mitchell
more Members saw lambs and calves at Colin's farm. Even with a live birth of a calf, the dog and goats were the main attraction
more Rotary and Rotaract made a profit of £500 selling mulled wine in St Salvator's Quad from 5 till 7 when the Ceilidh started. The Christmas lights were switched on in Market Street
more Keertna Sapra from New Delhi graduates from 4 years of hard work at University and also Rotaract
more Jack Daniels gave a talk on Opportunities for Rotaract members in and around St Andrews.
more Rotaract hand out free roses to the public "With Love from Rotaract"
more Carly Stodart gave a most fascinating presentation to Rotaract members of her work on a Mercy Ship in the Congo
more Rotaract had a stand for Creative Colouring in front of Madras Colllege
more President, Anastasiya, welcomed over 60 members and potential members and explained what Rotaract St Andrews is planning for this year.
more Fedor will talk of his home in Moscow and his time in St Andrews with Rotaract
more Keertna Sapra elected President and Cameron Tisshaw Vice President
more At a joint Wine & Cheese party over 30 members or spouses joined Rotaract members to hear a presentation on Ebola by Ezekiel Conteh, who is from Sierra Leone. John Black also updated on his son's work on Ebola for the World Health Organisation.
more Rotaract's 51st Birthday celebrated with delicious baking at Physics Building 10 till 4
more Charity climb to the top of Ben Nevis by Rotaract and others raised over £1160 for Mary's Meals. Accompanied to Fort William by driver and consultant Austin Dunn and tour guide June Dunn.
more Marking World Polio Day the Rotaract Club held a charity bike sale.
more Curry on over to the Mansfield Building (opposite student Union) to a Fundraiser for School for Abandoned Girls in India. Learn to cook an authentic Indian meal then enjoy it as a delicious meal. Entry £4 or greater donation.
more Rotaract members attended 100 year anniversary of Armistice on the West Sands
more With a little bit of love, members of St Andrews Rotaract Club handed out roses to members of the public in St Andrews town centre. Donations are invited on their facebook page towards a school for abandoned girls in India
more "Opportunities from Change" with the Establishment of a Multi District International Organisation for Rotaract in Scotland, was a keenly debated subject by Rotaractors from London, Dundee, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen.
more Rotaract members Paula and Tania reported on their month teaching in the school
more A presentation on the last 3 years of club activities created interest for 15 potential new members. The cheese and wine helped the social chat.
more Rotaract members showed artistic skills to enhance works of art
more Maddie Fuller was elected President after delivering her presentation from Spain on FaceTime. Past President Keertna tries to hang the chain of office over her neck!
more Students have diverse ideas on how Brexit will affect them. Come with your ideas and join in the discussion chaired by Rotarian Colin Mitchell in Scores Hotel at 7 pm
more Baking and Christmas decorations sold to raise money for Abandoned Girls in India
more Rotary members will give advice and appraisal to 150+ students who are seeking career opportunities
more Rotaract Discussion workshop on Ethics in Business and Interview Discrimination
more Members of Rotaract hand out flowers to members of the public to show a little bit of love for Valentines Day
more Jerry told Rotaract members of his exploits as a pilot in the Vietnam War after their dinner meeting in the Scores Hotel. His detailed illustrated talk with video enthralled his audience. VOT was given by Alex who also has a pilot's licence.
more RIBI President gave encouragement to St Andrews Rotaract members over coffee at the Scores Hotel during his globe trotting tour.
more Tea Pesheva was elected Rotaract President for 2013-2014 and received the chain of office from President Dan Dumitru at the AGM
more St Andrews Rotaract President Dan Dumitru from Romania attended the National Conference of Rotaract in Great Britain and Ireland where he was appointed International Officer of the executive team.
more 20 members enjoyed an sociable evening with an excellent presentation by Jennifer about her Rotaract Club in Vancouver.
more Dan Dumitru from Romania was inducted President and Tea Pesheva from Macedonia was inducted Vice President at a dinner attended by Rotary Senior Vice President Jim Macgregor and convenor Colin Mitchell with Ian Lowles.
more Rotaract students from Romania, Canada and Macedonia visit to see lambs and calves at Colin Mitchell's farm
more Rotaract students from Iceland, Germany and USA witnessed birth of lambs and made friends with the cows
more Log in to
more 3 Rotaract students were taken to Pedigree Bull Sales in Stirling by Colin Mitchell
more Successful Wine and Cheese party with 3 presentations by Rotaractors which signed up 15 new members
more President Dan Dumitru from Romania outlined plans for coming year. He also gave an illustrated talk about his Rotaract Club in Romania
more Max is a member of Rotaract but also President of Mary's Meals. He has hands on experience of this charity in Malawi. With Rotaract, he and others climbed Ben Nevis on Saturday raising over £1100 in sponsorship for Marys Meals.
more Rotaract entertained Rotary to Cheese and Wine and a talk on Vancouver Rotaract member Jennifer Dhammi. A Presidential Citation was also presented.
more Rotaract Past President, Tea Pesheva, talked about life as a student in St Andrews and her mother's involvement in Inner Wheel in Macedonia.
back Rotaract St Andrews is a University based club sponsored by the Rotary Club of St Andrews. Check out Rotaract St Andrews Facebook page for more info