Presidential Handover and Club Plan for 2024-2025

Wed, Jul 3rd 2024 at 12:40 pm - 2:00 pm

Colin Brown is the first of 4 Presidents covering the year in 3 month blocks.
Following on is John Christie, Frank Quinault and Sylvia Donaldson

President Jean-Marc Murré chaired the last meeting of his presidential year by thanking members for their support and input throughout his presidency and for ensuring the club’s success in raising funds for the various charities they have been able to support during the year. Thanks were expressed to individual members for their input and to Michael Carslaw for his role as minute secretary to the club Council. President Jean-Marc will remain in office but as Executive President, with four other Rotarians sharing the presidency for three months each. The first of this “gang of four”, Colin Brown then took over chairing the meeting. He emphasised that members should enjoy themselves in their roles as Rotarians and asked them to plan ahead for the next two years. Activities planned by the club for the coming year include support for the community and a continuing focus on young people, including those young carers who carry substantial family commitments. Colin highlighted the major fund-raising, fellowship and community events planned for the year ahead and reminded members that they will celebrate a major milestone for the club with the centenary of its founding only two years hence

Jean-Marc will remain as Titular President.

Job sharing presidents:

Colin Brown - July to September

John Christie - October to December

Frank Quinault - January to March

Sylvia Donaldson - April to June

This new structure may be the way forward for future years to spread the presidential load.

Michael Carselaw (Executive Secretary) was awarded the Elgin Salver for outstanding work for the Club over the year.

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