Evening Projects

Wed, Jan 22nd 2020 at 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Meet in the Crown & Thistle to progress project work. Agenda in DETAILS here + sent to WhatsApp group.

  1. Riverside meeting, Crown & Thistle, 22 Jan 20, 19:30

    1. Apologies, so far     HP, RK
            please will someone collect and post notes/decisions from this meeting
    2. Scholars’ Evening  8 Feb
    • Access from 6pm, who will be there to set up tables and food?
            Halcyon,   (Michelle, Emelia (scholars)),  + ??

    • Food
            Wendy is planning:
            Wendy+  Richard gather food together w/c 3Feb (or before if needed):
            Ten loaves ordered from Tesco for collection on 8th
            Halcyon available to help on Fri/Sat

    • Any bar issues? Hoping Ben will help Nick

    • We need someone to collect money from attendees on the night;
      volunteer please with a mobile phone linked to _SumUp_

    • RK will be meeting Clint at Barn on Monday 3rdFeb at 13:00.
            Does anyone have any questions for Clint?

    • TEN received already

    • Risk analysis done

    • All tickets sold: waiting list for returned tickets

    • 6 scholars: 6 workers: 46 audience/front of house

    • Final details at meeting on Wed 5thFeb (KH&B 19:30) (yes it a social but may need a mini-business)

    1. Future Riverside meeting locations
    • February Kings Head & Bell 19:30. Decision in Feb about March (Pablo?)

    1. Conference 13-15 March Newbury Racecourse
    • Any more takers, at present just Popes and Richard.

    • Does anyone want to join Friday night _eating_ in a pub near Newbury with Vesper + a few of the scholars; let RK know.

    • Does anyone want to join an informal _conference_ supper near Abingdon on Saturday evening?

    1. WhatsApp Group
    • Group today: Admin - HP, PW, SF, Group_- AT, CR, CW, DP, MY, NB, RC, RK, SL, WW

    • GM and DR say they have no suitable mobile phone but want details of meetings.
            Not yet asked RH

    1. Future events
    • Ideas please to get people to refer to website programme as a first port of call

    • May Morning – keep the date – it is happening, RH co-ordinating

    • June marketplace – any news

    • Buttercup Run – no news from YoCo, last year 3rdSunday in May.

    • Food Festival 20/21 June – any news/decisions?

    • CiN Heathrow Friday 13th Nov: *keep the date* – £32k raised in 2019,

    • DNAPQuiz, Steventon Friday 27th Nov

    • Other ideas: litter pick, croquet challenge at Blewbury,

    1. Wednesday Night talks agreed at recent mtg we would try and plan a few
    • 6th May – Ray our scholar

    • Are there any other requests?

    • Who will co-ordinate the speaker programme 
            We are now too big/complex to hope it will work on an informal basis.

    1. AOB
    2. Next meeting
    • 5th Feb: exceptionally a 1stWednesday mini-business meeting to finalise Scholars’
            Kings Head and Bell at 19:30

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Setting up for the great evening ahead

One of the most popular events on our calendar, the regular DNAPQuizzes raise a lot of money for our local charities, supported by the Rotary Club of Abingdon.

Rotarians hard at work to End Polio Now

4000 crocuses planted outside Abingdon Police Station in two hours to celebrate our Rotary Foundation ending Polio across the world

Group Photo taken by AbiBinit

On Saturday the 24th We joined other groups in Abingdon on a River Litter Pick. The Sun shone and we all had a great time. We look forward to being involved with the Plastic Blitz next time.

Installing water tanks in Africa

We worked with the Nasio Trust to install water tanks in Tanzania, to provide safe drinking water. Ground water in the region is heavily fluoridised and causes health problems for the population.

Two splendid cups commissioned for our Club's annual Youth Speaks competition.

Two splendid cups commissioned for our Club's annual Youth Speaks competition. Often won by our talented young people from Abingdon's six secondary schools, our winning teams often go on to the next levels of this national Rotary Competition!


The Club's foreign conscience - here immunising under-fives in India against Polio. There is no cure for Polio but it is preventable with a vaccine. Only two countries now remain endemic. We’ve reduced cases by 99.9% since 1988

Member of Abingdon's Interact Club (=Junior Rotary) immunising an Indian child against polio on Rotary's 110th birthday. Photo taken from her camera.

The Rotary Foundation is Rotary International's own charity. It does an enormous amount of good in the world. Watch the video The Heart of Rotary for a flavour!

Abingdon Rotarians nourishing the local community - in historical dress!

The Club's local conscience
