A big thank you to everyone that helped to make our Christmas Party go with a real swing. We had a full house despite the chilly weather. Everyone was in a party mood and sang along with enthusiasm the carols and Christmas songs that Liz and John had organised for us. Basil, Martin, David and Wendy all dramatised poems for us and Michelle talked about how her childhood celebrations had revolved around an enormous stuffed Roast Turkey at her Grandmothers house. Customers had fun with the crackers kindly donated by the Girton WI. Santa made a surprise visit and delighted everyone by distributing gifts, assisted by his little helper!
Sometime next year we will be moving to a new venue nearby.
Open 10.00am - 12.00pm on the first Friday morning of each month.
A Memory-Cafe is where there is a warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers), who's new memories may be partial and confusing. The aim is to evoke old memories that are complete and comfortable through, for example, refreshments in china cups, photos and documents from past years, decorations and pictures, songs, poems and informal talks.
Next month doors open on 4th January 2013.
more Open to All. All Welcome. Covid precautions in place. Organiser Richard de Horsey. The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers).
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Host - Richard de Horsey. Our forty-ninth event. Theme - Birthdays !
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our fifty - first event. Theme - London and the 1960's.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our fiftieth event. Theme - Easter and Springtime.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-eigth event. Theme - Love and St Valentines.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-seventh event. Theme - Pantomime Fun !
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-third event. Theme - WW1
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-sixth event. Theme - Christmas celebrations !
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-second event. Theme - Holidays PLUS a surprise award.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-fourth event. Theme - Harvest
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-fifth event. Theme - Oldies but Goodies, our Guest Entertainers - Girton Operatic.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our fortieth event. Theme - Flowers
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our forty-first event. Theme - Summer Holidays and Folk Songs
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our thirty-ninth event. Theme - London after the War and in the 1960's
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our thirty-sixth event. Theme - Romance and Valentines day.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our thirty-eigth event. Theme - Spring and new life.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our thirty-seventh event. Theme - Our 3rd Birthday!!
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our thirty-fourth event. Theme - Christmas party !
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our thirty-fifth event. Theme - Pantomimes.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Our thirty-third event. Theme - Armistice Day and celebrating with fireworks.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The twenty-ninth event. Theme - The Girton Memory Cafe Film and Quiz ! First activity in the Girton Feast Week !
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The twenty-eighth event. Theme - Shopping in old style shops!
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The twenty-seventh event. Theme - Springtime !
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The twenty- sixth event. Theme - Easter !
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The thirty second event. Theme - Harvest and Autumn.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The thirty-first event.
more Old fashioned fun to listen to and join in with David, Richard, Sian, Tim, Wendy, John, Alan and Marvin.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The thirtieth event. Theme - tbc!
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The twenty-fifth event. Theme - Happy 2nd Birthday to the Memory Cafe!
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The twenty-fourth event. Theme - Valentines Day.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). The twenty-third event. Theme - Pantomimes.
more Open to all with memory issues and their families / carers. This is the fifteenth event.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Theme - Autumn and Writing from 1930 to the iPad. The twentieth event.
more A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). This is the eighteenth event. Topic of the day - living through a World War as an evacuee.
more A Jubilee Celebration - open for all, especially those suffering from memory loss and their carers and families. This is the sixteenth event.
more A warm welcome from Richard ! This is the seventeenth event. On the theme of sunny, Bucket and Spade Summer Holidays. Did you hear Richard talking to Christopher South on Radio Cambridge Sunday 24 June 2012 ??
more The Easter Memory Cafe was well attended and over 20 customers enjoyed the lovely sunny morning, refreshments and entertainment.This is the fourteenth event.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Theme - The Harvest. This is the nineteenth event.
more Memory Cafe in Girton celebrated its first Anniversary with an excellent turnout.
more The Memory Cafe welcomes All. A warm welcome for people with dementia or other problems associated memory loss (and their families / carers). Theme - Bonfire Night. The twenty-first event.
back A monthly opportunity for those with memory loss and their families / carers to meet over refreshments. Host - Richard de Horsey.