Hallowen House was an amazing experience. Crowds of people visited to see the Zombies and other goulish exhibits. They came in costume, enjoyed the barbecue and were fascinated by our 'Rotary Human Fruit Machine' ( or was it a 'Human Spook Machine) seen in the picture above. An amazing amount of money was raised and this was donated to March Rotary to support their 'Kids Out' expereince.
more Christmas Float collection.
more On the second Saturday morning of the month, Rotary March descends on City Road car park. Old newspapers and books gratefully received and taken to Data Shredders who in turn provide a donation to the club.
more Each year Rotary March holds a 'Race Night' at the Con Club, March, to raise money for its charity work.
back Rotary March works hard to raise funds for the charity work it undertakes (photo Pat Ringham, March Camera Club)