Local Food Bank Support Increased

North Fife Rotary Is Helping Reduce Food Poverty

North Fife Rotary made a commitment to support our local Food Bank, Tay Bridgehead, through the Covid 19 and lockdown and beyond. So far the Foodbank has received excellent support from the generous giving by the public and by Morrisons food donation, so our help financially has not been called on. 

However, through Rotary Foundation, we have been able to help the Foodbank twice recently. Firstly we applied for a cash grant of £250 which we passed onto the Foodbank a few weeks ago, and recently we have received a further grant of £303 to be spent directly on food for the Foodbank. The first purchase from this £303 was made today for fresh food and vegetables which Steve Gilman, our lead on man with the Foodbank bought at Morrisons today with a community discount. Receiving the food was the reverend Dr Jim Connolly , the minister for Wormit Parish Church and the founder and Chairman of the Foodbank

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Presentation day for Fife Young Carers

Presentation day for Fife Young Carers


North Fife Rotary Has Been Helping Community Groups Go Digital


Newspaper articles submitted


This page provides the latest information for any members who would like to set up their own social media account


Videos from The Musical Afternoon


North Fife Rotary has been helping to care for our carers!


Photos of outings etc.

Resident Sheila with care assistant Christine Ramsay

North Fife Rotary has been helping keep families together, even when they can't visit in person.


The latest list of Club Speakers and Reception Duties


Gavin Davey of Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance receiving a cheque for �1000 from immediate past president Euan Tait.This being one of the preferred charities during Euan's presidential year.


North Fife Rotary Is Helping Reduce Food Poverty


The Rotary Club of North Fife encourages regular donations towards international projects through the Freewill Giving programme

Gavin Davey of Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance receiving a cheque for £1000

Gavin Davey of Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance receiving a cheque for £1000 from immediate past president Euan Tait.This being one of the preferred charities during Euan's presidential year.
