Christmas Present Trust

Mon, Dec 24th 2018 at 9:00 am- Wed, Dec 26th 2018 - 11:30 am

Christmas Dinner at the Ansell Centre, Hadleigh

This year Glenn Abbassi and her husband Eddie were among about 50 volunteers who assisted Simon and Sarah Thompson, who several years ago came up with the idea of providing Christmas lunch to people who might otherwise be on their own.    Like Topsy, this has grown and grown, and this year it was anticipated that about 100 people would be welcomed to the Ansell Centre for Christmas lunch.     A huge amount of preparatory work preceded this on Christmas Eve -  decorations, lights, presents wrapped for the guests, tables laid out beautifully, and the transformed hall looked a treat.   Some guests who were immobile were collected from their homes, and a very few who for one reason or another were unable to be present, were delivered Christmas lunch by a few volunteers.     There was musical entertainment, of varying volume (!) and a great time was had by all.   After the guests had departed, the clearing up began, and was continued on Boxing Day.    By midday, the hall was back to its pristine appearance.    Sarah and Simon are to be hugely congratulated on their sterling work.   Glenn and Eddie certainly enjoyed their alternative Christmas!

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