Rotary Nairn Vision Statement:
"to become more inviting, inspirational, irresistible and fun ,
by engaging with and supporting our local community and contributing to
Rotary Foundation goals".
The structure of the Club will be adjusted to best fit the Club’s
needs, and to support it in achieving its aims and objectives.
Each member of Council should have lead responsibility for at
least one key area of our business.
- Increase our membership, particulary aiming for younger members
- Increase our fundraising capability
- Continue to provive a programme of social events for members, Friends and potential members
- Continue to work with and support young people
- A marketing strategy to include greater use of social media and an improved website; consistent branding
- Develop the skills of our members using the Rotary Learning Centre.
- Keep the Club’s Constitution and Bylaws in line with the Club’s
needs and mode of operation.
- Adjust the format, content, and frequency of our meetings to meet the needs
of our membership, both new and existing.
Membership Recruitment, Involvement, and Development:
Our overall aim is to increase our membership to a minimum of 30 members, with a greater diversity of backgrounds and a younger age
Schedule of Fundraising and Social Events:
- To develop and implement a schedule of fundraising events,
to raise a minimum of £10,000
- To donate the funds raised towards identified local charity projects, and commit 10% to the Rotary Foundation
- To maximise publicity of all fundraising events through social media
and other channels
- To develop and maintain a schedule of social events for members,
friends, and potential new members to create and
maintain a friendly and fun environment
Schedule of Service Projects:
In 2024-25:
- Work with Team Hamish in the design and installation of a Rotary
picnic bench as part of phase 2 of the Links Project.
- Maintain the current schedule of service projects - Rotary Flowerbed, Rotary bench, support to the Nairn Book and Arts
Festival, marshalling at the Wheels of Nairn, Christmas carol singing
at Care Homes.
- Enter into mutual support agreements with other organisations in the community and work with them to the mutual
benefit of the Club, the partner organisation, and the local community.
Youth Development:
- Continue to develop RotaKids in Rosebank and Millbank Primary
Schools and hold a social event for the parents of the children in RotaKids to
further their understanding of Rotary.
- Engage with Nairn Academy to identify and implement a community
project involving the students and Rotary volunteers and friends.
- Make an annual presentation to Nairn Academy final year students
about the role of Rotary and the potential for self-development.
- Implement a suitable youth competition as part of the Nairn Book and Arts Festival.