'What We Do' Main Pages:

We organise several fundraising events throughout the year details of which can be found here as they become available.


Time for Rotary? To all of us our time is precious. If you feel now that you have some time to spare and would like to direct your skills, experience and enthusiasm to a worthwhile cause, then we would love to hear from you.


We are a group of like-minded people who want to make a difference by organising and supporting local fun filled events and raising funds for charitable and worthy causes supported by Rotary in the Fakenham District and further afield.

Together We Transform

Are you a local business or community organisation looking to raise your profile and do good things in your community? Working as part of Rotary could really help.


On this page we have set out what our main objectives and priorities are.

Race Night Picture Collage

Latest Update Our annual Race Night raises over £1700 for worthwhile causes.
