69th Charter Night Friday 16th March 2018

Fri, Mar 16th 2018 at 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Swan Hotel Harleston

BUNGAY Rotary Club celebrated its 69th charter anniversary with a dinner at The Swan Hotel at Harleston on Friday evening. Robert Lovick, governor or Rotary district 1080, proposed the toast to the club, and praised it for its friendly atmosphere and organisation. He also emphasised the need for the movement to recruit younger members so it could be assured of a healthy future. Mr Lovick is a retired police officer and a member of the Rotary Club of Great Yarmouth Haven. As district governor he has used his foresight, energy and the ability to inspire and enthuse the members to promote and further the aims and perception of the Rotary movement. Mike Ingram, president of the Bungay club, replied, and spoke about how he had found friendship and fellowship when he joined the club following a difficult period in his life. It is a tradition of the Bungay club that the menu card and toast list includes a humorous cartoon relating to an aspect of the president’s year, and past president Colin Bale presented a framed copy of that to Mr Ingram. Vice-president Terry Reeve, who was also toastmaster for the evening, proposed the toast to the guests, who included the president of Bungay Inner Wheel Club, Jacquie McDaniel, Pat Webb, assistant district governor and president of the Harleston club, and Waveney MP Peter Aldous. Mrs McDaniel, who has been president of Inner Wheel ten times and was a founder member 60 years ago, replied to the toast. Those present enjoyed entertainment from the Harbour Lights Trio. A raffle raised £252 for the East Anglian Children’s Hospices’ Nook appeal. Bungay Rotary Club was founded in 1949 has a current membership of 25, and is looking to increase that in the coming months. It celebrates the 70th anniversary of its founding next year, when Harleston Rotary Club, its daughter club, celebrates its 40th anniversary. Events planned in the coming few months include the annual Rotary Karting Grand Prix at the Ellough Raceway, and Kids Fun Day as part of the annual Bungay Festival in July. The club meets weekly at the Buck in at Flixton.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Leaflet on activities in Bungay Rotary Club


Inducting new member Vaughan Shea

Kubuneh School

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