Kart Racing at Ellough

Sun, May 27th 2012 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

KART racing at Ellough on Sunday 27th March 2012


Hello, and thanks to everyone who kindly supported our charities last weekend at Ellough Park Raceway last Sunday in the Bungay Rotary Grand Prix.

For the second year running, the event was a great success, with some really close racing in the wonderfully sunny weather. There were 33 teams competing in the two races this year and a good number of spectators who came along to enjoy the day.

The honours this year were shared in the first race by the winners, the Pro-Driver team (sponsored by Mike Daniels), 2nd Old Bull (Howard Birch), 3rd Wacky Williams (Eric Williams), and the result of the second race was - 1st Bet on Black (Alistair Black), 2nd Team Allroad (Mike Becketts), 3rd Misfits (Cooper BMW).

Congratulations to all those on the podium, and thanks to all who took part in what everyone seemed to agree was really great fun no matter where they finished at the chequered flag. It was really good to see teams from outside Rotary taking part, and special thanks to the teams from Cooper BMW and Robinsons Lowestoft SEAT, Audi and Volkswagen for their particularly enthusiastic(!) driving. Hopefully even more manufacturers will take part next year. 

The two charities that featured this year were End Polio Now and Water Aid, and I am pleased to say that the total raised by the event, the tombola, refreshments and barbecue was over

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Bungay Rotary Club presented Usborne Dictionaries to Year Six Children, Twelve to St Benets Catholic School Beccles, Fourteen to St Edmunds Catholic School Bungay and Thirty Two to Bungay Primary School .


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