Purple 4 Polio Campaign Spring 2018 to Autumn 2020

Planting crocus bulbs for the Rotary International Purple 4 Polio Campaign, and admiring the results!

A new milestone was reached on 25 August 2020 when Africa was certified by the World Health Organisation as free from the wild poliovirus. Polio eradication on the continent started in earnest in 1996 when Rotary and its partners joined with Nelson Mandela to jumpstart Africa’s polio eradication. Since then 9 billion doses of oral polio vaccine have been provided across the continent”.

For over 30 years, Rotary and its members have been committed to fighting to eradicate polio across the world. The number of polio-endemic countries has dropped from 125 to just two Pakistan and Afghanistan. In 219 there were 72 cases of of polio in these countries. Vaccinations have been hampered by warring factions but these re-commenced in late August 2020 after a four month break due to the Covid 19 pandemic

With eradication now closer than ever, our latest campaign, Purple4Polio, is designed to unite communities to engage in activities as part of the final push to eradicate polio for good. The club has been planting purple crocus bulbs across the Borough to publicise the campaign and in early October 2020 will be planting a further 4,000 bulbs on the Cawston estate.

The campaign ties in with the 100 year anniversary of The Rotary Foundation, Rotary’s own charity, which has played a key role in making polio eradication become close to a reality.

For more information, visit www.endpolionow.org

'What We Do' Main Pages:

In June 2022 our club was a hundred years old. In celebration of this the club initiated a centenary project in conjunction with Rugby Borough Council and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust to upgrade a section of the Great Central Way in Rugby.


Installation of an Hydro Electric Power Supply in the village of Chepel, Nepal


Two travel scholarships of up to £500 each are being offered to young people (up to age 28) whose career options may be improved by study outside the UK. Print off application form


History of Rugby


3 Rotary Clubs - of Rugby, Rugby Dunsmore, and Rugby Saturday Breakfast organise a Music Bursary Scheme for the children of Rugby (Under 18s) which is run in conjunction with the County Music Service.


Planting crocus bulbs for the Rotary International Purple 4 Polio Campaign, and admiring the results!


The Rugby Rotary clubs help Rugby Sport for the Disabled Association run an annual Sports Day

A pack of dog walkers, with trusty four legged friends - ready for the off

The Rotary Club of Rugby organised "Dog Walk 2018" to raise money (over £1000) for the charity "Dogs For Good".


Visit to the Abesu Housing Project in Zambia by member Laurence Wilbraham


International links, Aabenraa, Russelsheim


Members of the Rotary Club of Rugby planting crocus bulbs with the villagers of Brinklow, Warwickshire


The Rugby Santa Run organised by the The Rugby Rotary Club and the Rugby and Northampton Athletic Club, December 2018. 800 people took part this year. Great fun as always.


The Rotary Club of Rugby annual cultural Trip
