
Rotarian Peter Williams helps the 'Feckenham in Bloom' team plant 4,000 crocus corms at the entrances to this picturesque village, in the south of the Borough.

In the Autumn of 2016, in collaboration with Redditch Borough Council, the Rotary Club of Redditch planted 5,000 purple crocus corms in 5 prominent locations around the town. As soon as the crocuses came into flower the following spring, signs were erected to highlight Rotary's 'Purple for Polio' campaign, and press coverage helped to explain the background to this national campaign to raise awareness of Rotary's role in eradicating Polio worldwide.

Our club also participated in the successful Guinness World Record attempt by Rotary Club of Redditch Kingfisher to plant over 15,000 purple crocus bulbs in Arrow Valley Park in 2019.

Our picture shows Rotarian Peter Williams with a team of volunteers planting 4,000 crocus corms as part of 'Feckenham in Bloom'.


'What We Do' Main Pages:

The two Redditch clubs have joined forces for this important fundraising initiative.


To help pupils access remote learning during lockdown, our club procured and supplied redundant laptops to one of our local high schools.


Our historic, longstanding links with the Rotary Club of Emden, Germany


Co-Ordinating local collection of redundant tools, for refurbishment and supply to communities in Africa.


Rotarian Peter Williams helps the 'Feckenham in Bloom' team plant 4,000 crocus corms at the entrances to this picturesque village, in the south of the Borough.


Our President 2023/24


During the pandemic, the Rotary Club of Redditch has continued to support its local communities in various ways.
