Rotary is still Busy in Lockdown

Yes, Rotarians also need to isolate in these times, but, we also still need to help others too.

The Rotary Club of Nuneaton are still helping worthy local causes as well as other causes world wide.

Recently we were able to provide tools to TWAM (Tools With A Mission) by donating them through Kebrina Barker who runs the Nuneaton Recycling Group and helps to recycle wherever she can.

The Local Food bank also needs a lot of help and support at this time, so we are passing on whatever we can and whenever we can.

If you have tools that you would like to donate, or food to go to the foodbank, but because of the current Coronavirus situation you are unable to pass on the donations yourself, just contact any member of the Rotary Club of Nuneaton and we will happily help to arrange collection and delivery to the correct places.

The tools go to third world countries to help the people there to maintain machinery and equipment. Have you tried doing repairs without having the right tools?  Not easy is it.  All tools are of welcome, for example: mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, garden tools, and more !!!

The tools pictured were kindly donated via the Rotary Club of Nuneaton by Mr & Mrs Ashby.  Thank you from th Rotary to them both.

So, do you have tools or food that you would like to pass on?  If you do it yourself then please do, but if you are unable to deliver the items yourself just get in touch with the Rotary Club of Nuneaton and we will do all we can to help.

'What We Do' Main Pages:

Rotary Club of Nuneaton - Active in the community


Collection of photos and stories from Presidents nights over the years

President Elect Steve with Incoming AD Nigel Lee and President Geoff

Club assembly at Weston Hall Hotel, Incoming President Steve with Incoming AD Nigel Lee and President Geoff


Welcoming new members to the club

Under Starters Orders ....

A Fund Raising evening of Fun Horse Racing was held for Club Members, their family and friends.

Janet and Janet being thanked for a wonderful evening.

A fun family and friends night at Nuneaton Rotary Club in January 2022

Nuneaton Food Bank Thanks

Yes, Rotarians also need to isolate in these times, but, we also still need to help others too.

Steve, ready to start his charity bike ride

Steve Benford raises money for Rotary Charities by getting on his bike and cycling along canal towpaths from Nuneaton to London. A Total of 128 miles.


Annual Bowls Match versus Coventry Rotary Club


Order from or 02476 745185


Rotarians Barry, Chris and Om accompanied local children on the Kids Day Out at Drayton Manor. A good time was had by all!

Our International Food Feast took place on Friday evening, 8 February. We hosted around 60 guests, including Club members, Rotarians and their guests from Arbury, Bedworth and Meriden Clubs, friends and family.  We enjoyed a truly international menu from

A Great Evening of Food and Fellowship


Rotarians and shop staff had a stall at the recent open day.


Members and guests braved the snow to enjoy a Christmas Lunch at Nuneaton Golf Club.


Crossed Kukhris Restaurant


World Polio Day and we planted 1000 crocus bulbs opposite our shop.


Our stall at Bramcote


Our Community Shop has new managers!

Foundation work of new building

Our latest project in Nepal has started!


DG Peter Roberts presented Paul Whiteman with a PHF at the recent President's Night. At our recent AGM Ian Smith was presented with a PHF by President Harry.


Members and Friends enjoyed a skittles night at Ambleside Sports Club


Look what we have been up to!


Our Water Project
