Triumph of Nuneaton Rotarian !!

Sun, Oct 25th 2020 at 4:08 pm -

Steve Benford raises money for Rotary Charities by getting on his bike and cycling along canal towpaths from Nuneaton to London. A Total of 128 miles.

(Click on any of the pictures above to see a full size slide show)

Steve Benford’s Cycle ride from Nuneaton to London.

Steve Benford set off from Hill top, Nuneaton, at 8.30am on Monday 19th Oct.

Spending 8 hours on the towpath to Blissworth Northampton.

The going and the weather were good all day and he completed 48 miles.

Steve then stayed overnight in a Bed and Breakfast, meeting up with, and receiving support from, fellow  Rotarians - David Lloyd and Liz Lloyd.

Steve Set off again at 7.30am Tuesday 20th Oct, taking the tunnel towpath to Stoke Bruerne.

Great weather all day - arriving at Hemmel Hempstead at 4pm, and this time staying overnight in a B&B at Boxmoor.

At Daylight on Wednesday 21st Oct, Steve set off along the towpath for London with steady rain all the way, and got soaked through - even though he was wearing wet-weather gear !!

At 11am Steve discovered that the Uxbridge towpath was closed for repairs !!

Then, after losing his direction for a while, Steve finally got road directions to Brentwood, then across the river Thames to Kew, along the riverside path to Clapham, and arriving at his Daughter's house at 2.30 pm.

After a tea break Steve then set off again to Trafalgar square - the Fìnish !!

By chance Steve arrived in Trafalgar Square actually on Trafalgar day !!!

Steve says that overall it was a most enjoyable experience, resulting in a wonderful sense of accomplishment.  In all, across the three days, Steve rode a total of 128 Miles !!

Steve started with a target of raising £200. When last checked, Steve’s “Go Fund Me” page showed £220 raised, and it is still possible to help add to this total by either passing over a cash donation or using this link:

When I last checked with Steve, he had also received around £135 in cash donations, making an overall total of £355 at that time.  It would be absolutely fantastic if we could get him up to £500.  With your help I am sure we could do this.

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

President Elect Steve with Incoming AD Nigel Lee and President Geoff

Club assembly at Weston Hall Hotel, Incoming President Steve with Incoming AD Nigel Lee and President Geoff


Welcoming new members to the club


Rotary Club of Nuneaton - Active in the community


Collection of photos and stories from Presidents nights over the years

Under Starters Orders ....

A Fund Raising evening of Fun Horse Racing was held for Club Members, their family and friends.

Janet and Janet being thanked for a wonderful evening.

A fun family and friends night at Nuneaton Rotary Club in January 2022

Nuneaton Food Bank Thanks

Yes, Rotarians also need to isolate in these times, but, we also still need to help others too.

Steve, ready to start his charity bike ride

Steve Benford raises money for Rotary Charities by getting on his bike and cycling along canal towpaths from Nuneaton to London. A Total of 128 miles.


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Order from or 02476 745185


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Crossed Kukhris Restaurant


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Our stall at Bramcote


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