Tarporley Rotary Club in South Africa

Supporting the Knysna Education Trust

As part of our commitment to support international projects as well as local and national charities, Tarporley Rotary Club has decided to help the Knysna Education Trust in South Africa.





All monies collected will be sent to the Knysna Education Trust which strives to provide support to unfunded pre-schools in their area, providing:

* Practical accredited teacher training

* Essential services to the Early Childhood Development sector

* Entrenched literacy and numeracy in the classroom

                        * Training and support to primary caregivers/parents

* Access to nutritional support

Please donate whatever you can!

                                        Thank you!

Knysna is situated on the Garden Route, 480km East of Cape Town in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The KET delivers support to an area covering 2052 km square. The KET is a charity providing care and education to black, underprivileged, pre-school children, with 120 pre-schools in a large area in southern South Africa.  


The aim of the KET is to ensure that every child attend a safe pre-school. Around 89% of children under the age of 6 are cared for in informal “day care settings”. Many caregivers have no formal training: they are women from the community with a passion to get young children off the streets and out of harm’s way. Moreover, the school meal is often their only meal of the day. 


KET’s mission is to provide the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty which hinders economic development by addressing the small window in a child’s development which will determine academic development and their ability to cope with all forms of learning and social skills. 


FONIX Literacy – and Language Programme: 3 languages the grant would equip 25 classrooms with the FONIX equipment, and will include training to ensure that the teachers in this school are fully trained on the use of the programmes.  The equipment is very durable, and once the teacher is trained, she will be able to teach these vital lessons to many more children into the future.

 As soon as the project is in place, publicity will occur at both ends of the project, from our Club locally, at District level and also in South Africa. Tarporley will use their Facebook page. We have asked KET (Knysna Education Trust) to provide us with some concise descriptions which will explain a little about the background and aims of KET and how our money is going to be spent and the benefits, together with some photos. We will also publicise through the press and on our Rotary notice board in the village.  In terms of publicity in South Africa, KET will arrange for suitable publicity for our project in whatever medium they use and send us a copy of what they suggest goes live over there. Tarporley and District will be mentioned.  


  • KET will be providing Tarporley and District with regular update on the implementation and ongoing working of the project. Our Club will be able to follow the progress through regular contact, emails, pictures and, as we have already had several successful Zoom meetings with the Trust, we will organise these meetings between them and ourselves, at District level if it is desired. We will be able to see the schools and the children as the project flourishes. NB It should be noted that, sadly, at this precise moment, Knysna and the region are experiencing a serious second wave of Coronavirus and are not working in normal conditions. 
  • Hopefully, in the not – too – distant future a visit by a group of our Rotarians might be envisaged. We hope also to work now towards a global grant which will involve other Rotary Clubs (with at least one in South Africa). 


Contact Ann Williams about this page:

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'What We Do' Main Pages:

... and this is where it goes - supporting early years education in South Africa

We're collecting loose change (or notes!) - any amount, any currency, withdrawn coins, however old - we can turn them into ££££'s!

Final Carnival poster

Saturday 13th July - Carnival Day

KET poster

Supporting Early Education in South Africa


Tarporley Village Market is now open at Tarporley Community Centre on the first Saturday of the month, 9.30am to 1.00pm

Miracle Club poster

You are very cordially invited to join us for our showing of "The Miracle Club" (12) at 7.30 pm on Friday 19th July in the Tarporley Community Centre. Doors open at 7.00 pm.


Tarporley Primary RotaKids


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Knysna KET Project Classroom

Supporting the Knysna Education Trust

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